Public Transport


It’s widely considered to be the holy grail of environmentalism, but it’s sadly not quite there yet. Governments take big back handers from the car lobbyists, so we shouldn’t expect the world’s public transport networks to get massively better any time. Of course, there are cities around the world where the local government has invested heavily in public transport infrastructure – but you probably don’t live near one. Here are a few ways to maximise the positive environmental impact of what public transport is available to you.


17. Bus: Public transport is rarely as good as it could be, but (where possible) using public bus transport is great way of getting about. Most towns and cities have adequate bus coverage. Furthermore, you won’t get lost just as easy when the driver knows where they’re going!

17. 公交车:公共运输从来都比它该有的样子要差,但是(在一些可能的地方)使用公共汽车是个不错的方法。大多数的城镇都覆盖了足够的公共汽车。此外,因为巴士司机知道他们要去哪里,你不会迷路的。

18. Tram: Many European cities such as Manchester, Dublin, Athens, Rome, Lisbon and Paris have extensive tram networks. In North America there are many cities with tram networks including San Francisco, Pittsburgh and Toronto. Count yourself lucky if you live in one these cities, trams are a great way of getting around.

18. 有轨电车:很多欧洲城市,比如曼彻斯特、都柏林、雅典、罗马、里斯本和巴黎,都有广阔的电车网络。在北美,包括旧金山、匹兹堡和多伦多在内的很多城市也都有电车网络。要是你生活在其中一个城市,那就太幸运了,坐电车四处观光真是太棒了。

19. Trains instead of planes: Many haven’t realised this yet but those good old trains emit much less pollution and can carry more passengers than aircraft. Using the train network is a viable option, especially if journeying city-to-city within Europe and places like Japan where the infrastructure is good and the trains are reliable. Also, there’s a saving on hassle because train travel can allow you to use your time to travel instead of standing in a queue at checkin or customs.

19. 坐火车,别坐飞机:很多人还没意识到这些优良的旧火车排放的污染气体要比飞机少得多,而且还能多载客。使用火车网络是很可行的,特别是欧洲内部的城市之间旅行或者是像日本那样基础建设优良和火车可靠的地方。另外,不容置疑,火车旅行让你把站着排队登记和入关的时间节省下来用来旅行了。

20. Subway: The list of cities in the Americas and Europe with mass rapid transport systems (both over and underground) is extensive. In most inner cities it is futile to try and drive anywhere so you might as well use public transport to get around. It just so happens that this is much more green. And it’s good to be green.


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