
瞧我们的赫敏出落得多么亭亭玉立啦!除了她迷人的外表和聪慧的头脑之外,艾玛·沃特森也有着关爱环保的热心肠,她最近联手环保品牌People Tree推出“艾玛的爱”服饰系列,包括全棉T恤、可持续利用的针织衫和可回收的饰品,旨在唤起年轻人的环保意识哦。
My, my, my, Hermione Granger! Judging from the sneak peeks of Emma Watson’s collaboration with People Tree, the Burberry- and Chanel-fronting starlet does cazh just as well as couture. Chockfull of breezy, youthful fare that is a far cry from her dour Hogwarts cloak, Watson’s “Love From Emma” line offers organic cotton jersey tees, sustainable knitwear, and recycled accessories designed to appeal to her teen demographic’s sense of cool and conscience.


美剧《识骨寻踪》的女主角Bones及扮演她的演员Emily Deschanel都是环保人士哦,除了本身是素食主义者之外,她佩戴的漂亮首饰也往往是环境友好型的,比方这集剧照中她戴的这个项链就是出自设计师劳拉·伊丽莎白的设计,名为“靛蓝色”的项链由可回收黄金镶边的玛瑙石与同样的金质效榆树叶组合而成,精巧环保哦。
On an episode of the TV Show Bones, actress Emily Deschanel was spotted wearing an eco-friendly necklace from designer Laura Elizabeth. The “Indigo” has an agate stone with recycled gold edging and small elm leaf preserved in recycled gold.


British chanteuse Lily Allen wants to take a two-year leave of absence from performing to open a boutique—one that will rent designer clothes to the common masses. As politicians gather in Copenhagen for the UN Climate Change Conference, the fashion industry will likewise convene to discuss the environmental, social, and ethical challenges it faces on a global scale


Woody Harrelson, Food Inc.'s Robert Kenner, Suzy Amis Cameron (wife of James), and Livia Firth (wife of Colin) were just some of the Oscar red-carpet attendees decked in sustainable style.


Prime Line Packaging’s EPI and D2W-certified poly-shopping bags are a more eco-friendly alternative than regular plastic because they contain biodegradable additives. I’d rather stick to my canvas bags myself, but progress is progress. So who does Prime Line use to market these new green gems? None other than Lindsay Lohan, casually posing with a bag from Urban Outfitters.


If Lady Gaga has a passion for trashion, she’s managed to keep it on the down-low…until now, that is. The flamboyant chanteuse has “leaked” stills from her mucho anticipated “Telephone”  video, which premieres Thursday and features the pipes of musical BFF Beyoncé. Tucked into her famous platinum-blonde locks: empty soda cans and the dismembered remains of a rotary phone.