
要多幸运才能在第一次奥斯卡题名时就直夺小金人儿?但桑德拉却做到了,同时她这件金色玛切萨礼服恰到好处的剪裁也将奥斯卡式奢华提升了一个高度。得分: A+

SANDRA BULLOCK For her first Oscar nomination (and win!), it was only fitting that Bullock set a new standard for Hollywood glam in her golden Marchesa. Grade: A+


事实证明一件精致打褶鱼尾式下摆莫尼克·鲁里耶就能让平日的假小子成功转型美丽小女人。得分: A

KRISTEN STEWART In a delicately pleated Monique Lhuillier, Stewart, whose red-carpet looks have evolved from Converse to couture, passed with flying colors. Grade: A


印花材质在红地毯上并不常见,但这件清逸轻盈、水色涟漪的艾莉·萨博就像一件艺术品般征服了所有人。得分: A

RACHEL MCADAMS Prints don't always play on the red carpet, but McAdams was a work of art in a watercolored Elie Saab gown. Grade: A


十六次奥斯卡提名,梅姑对柯达剧院的红地毯可谓是驾轻就熟。不过这次却是最最显得青春洋溢的一次,且温柔端庄不失大气。要多谢由《天桥骄子》第四季出道的新人设计师Chris March,让我们见识到气质的美丽。

MERYL STREEP She may have 16 Oscar nods under her belt, but Streep looked fresher than ever in this crisp white number, designed by Project Runway contestant Chris March. Grade: A


一件灰色抹胸褶皱范思哲的表现虽然不够抢眼,但也胜在优雅浪漫情怀。得分: A

ELIZABETH BANKS The host of last weekend's Scientific and Technical Awards was all ruffles and romance in dove grey Versace. Grade: A


海伦·米伦魅力不减当年,举手投足间优雅尽显。再次证明了时尚偶像是没有年龄限制的。得分: A

HELEN MIRREN Proving herself (yet again) a fashion force to be reckoned with, the Best Actress nominee glittered in Badgley Mischka. Grade: A


银白色的阿玛尼高级定制让很多人都见识了现实中的白雪公主(除了裙摆略显累赘,不过这可是公主裙啊),仿佛自云端飘落...得分: A-

AMANDA SEYFRIED What could've been an overwhelming ball gown was princess perfection for Seyfried, who floated down the carpet in her silver Armani Prive. Grade: A-



ANNA KENDRICK The subtle shade of Kendrick's Elie Saab gown let the dress's marvelous draping take the spotlight. Grade: B+


奥斯卡学院奖本身很严肃,看前面的女星一个比一个的端庄温柔,但卡梅隆迪亚兹就是有本事让这次盛典变得更加生气盎然。大面积的亮片想不显眼都难。得分: B+

CAMERON DIAZ The Oscars may be a serious affair, but Diaz added a welcome burst of sparkle in Oscar de la Renta and matching hoop earrings. Grade: B+


去年影后再度以一件低调的银色光泽感圣罗兰踏上红地毯,胸前以蒂凡尼堪比海洋之心的项坠点亮全身造型。得分: B

KATE WINSLET Last year's Best Actress winner set off her understated silver Yves Saint Laurent dress with Titanic-worthy jewels that took center stage. Grade: B


尽管礼服材质显得过于厚重飘逸不足,但至少深红色调是个上上之选,很好的衬出了克鲁兹头发和瞳孔的颜色。得分: B

PENELOPE CRUZ Though the Best Actress nominee's Donna Karan gown was a bit heavy on material, its rich crimson hue more than made up for it. Grade: B


工字褶和暗色通常都能互补平衡,但第一次踏上奥斯卡红毯的凯芮·穆里根以这件镶满配饰的迪奥出场却显得有些过于刻意。得分: B-

CAREY MULLIGAN Box pleats and a mullet hem usually equal fashion disaster, but the first-time nominee managed to pull off her bejeweled Prada gown like a pro. Grade: B-



MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL We can appreciate Gyllenhaal's effort to throw something modern into the red-carpet mix, but her brushstroked Dries Van Noten dress looked more after party than Academy. Grade: B-


这件粉色迪奥真是让你想忘记都难.....不过它还是有些优点的....比如,它是粉色的。得分: C

CHARLIZE THERON We were too concerned that Theron's Dior gown was trying to grope her to take in any other details like, say, its lovely pink hue. Grade: C



ZOE SALDANA The top of the Avatar star's Givenchy gown said red-carpet star on the rise, while the bottom raised the question, ''Who wants to Can-Can?'' Grade: C


这件露背香奈儿用黑色缎带分为三部分,但看上去就像生硬的划分界线。得分: C-

DIANE KRUGER Yes, Kruger's Chanel halter gown was divided into three parts, but there was no harmony here. Grade: C-


我说姑娘咱就算带着老妈和男友一起走红毯也不用紧张害羞成这样吧....看这胸含得,背驼得。生生显得这件礼服小了一号....还是说真的小一号?得分: C-

MILEY CYRUS Her dress last year was too big, and this year's Jenny Packham was too small. Here's hoping that in 2011 she gets it just right! Grade: C-


从来没想到严肃的奥斯卡学院奖能出现雷人一刻....这件就是少数几个影英小编本人一开始就很不看好预计会恶评一片的例子之一。这个餐具的结果告诉我们,褶皱是要适量滴、桃红颜色素要尽量避免滴。得分: C-

VERA FARMIGA The red carpet was full of ruffles, but, judging by her overwrought Marchesa, it looked like Farmiga wanted them all to herself. Grade: C-


小编发现,有些礼服真的是要走动起来后才能看出缺点的....比如这件一开始直播红毯看起来还是很大气的,但这张就充分暴露了缺点:面料过多显得累赘,说难听就象一条尾巴拖在后面,还显得洛佩兹个子很矮,性感身材的优势都没显出来....庄重过了头也是笑话... 得分: D

JENNIFER LOPEZ We know that J.Lo is famous for her curves, did she really have to cover them in bubble wrap to keep them safe for the night? Grade: D


这件黑色蕾丝还高开衩露大腿囧..................原来恶俗到头是这么有喜感。好好的一个乡村女歌手生给扮成了红灯区站街的... 得分: F

FAITH HILL The singer may be a little bit country, but her dress was a little bit red-light district. Grade: F