《时尚》(杂志2010年2月刊的封面上,好莱坞一线红人杰西卡•贝尔身着拉夫•劳伦的牛仔背心,外罩Ralph Lauren Collection的牛仔上衣,给杂志添色不少。杜嘉班纳旗下D&G品牌最近发布了一个双页平面广告,模特们坐在酒吧桌旁,从头到脚一身牛仔装扮,身着牛仔裙,手挎牛仔手袋。
Jessica Biel graces the cover of the February issue of Vogue wearing a denim jacket by Ralph Lauren Collection over a RRL Ralph Lauren denim vest. A current two-page print ad from Dolce & Gabbana's D&G line features models in a club setting wearing head-to-toe denim and denim dresses while a denim handbag rests on a table.

牛仔风开始刮向千家万户,进入梅西百货和萨克斯第五大道精品百货店这样的大卖场,以及J. Crew和Banana Republic这样的时尚专卖店,后者最近刚推出一个牛仔服装系列,包括牛仔风衣和牛仔衬衫裙等。
All that denim is starting to reach the public, making its way into department stores like Macy's and Saks Fifth Avenue, as well as J. Crew and Banana Republic, which recently introduced a denim collection that includes trench coats and shirt dresses.

Part of the renewed interest in denim may have to do with the economy: hard-times chic in hard times. A return to gritty, more down-to-earth wear; a rebellion against flashy silk dresses and banker suits.

But denim-on-denim? Such designs can border on camp or tacky, in the wrong hands.

Banana Republic的尼恩说,全身牛仔装看上去很新鲜,因为很久都没有这种打扮出现了。也许这谈不上什么先锋时尚,但在目前而言,还是一种说得过去的潮流。
Mr. Kneen of Banana Republic says denim on denim looks fresh because it hasn't been around for some time. 'Maybe it's been a fashion no no but it's a fashion OK at the moment.'
Some consumers are wary. 'That's something that doesn't appeal to me aesthetically,' says Natalie Pon, a 21-year-old medical student in Dallas. While she's a fan of denim leggings and will consider buying denim shirts, 'I think it will be hard even for me to wear denim on denim and come off looking good,' she says.
Some retailers are cognizant that some designs may be too much for customers.
