Glee is getting ready to invade Japan, and what better way to promote the hit Fox TV series than letting retired sumo wrestler Akebono Taro sing Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’.

金球奖最佳喜剧片新贵、超强人气的校园音乐美剧《欢乐合唱团》即将登陆日本荧屏,为了推广该剧,电视台特地请来了退役的相扑运动员横纲太郎担当宣传片男一号,以及其雷人的方式演绎了片中的经典翻唱Journey的Don’t Stop Believin。

He isn’t much of a crooner, but the commercials are pretty catchy! The series will start airing for the first time in the Japan on February 7.

