The Milan Fashion Week has continued with top designers offering insight on the catwalk. Must haves from the house of Armani were sheepskin coats and berets. D&G presented an upbeat collection inspired by winter sport. And the House of Etro offered something a little different.

Full length sheepskin coats dominated the Armani show, and every model sported a black or gray beret. Worn over trousers and fitted jackets, the Armani collection kept a strong focus on sharp tailoring.

And, as always with Armani, the collection was all about the finishing touches. Overcoats were lined with leather. Simple jeans finished in velvet, bands and piping.

Velvet appeared again - this time for daytime slacks as well as shining evening wear.

D and G presented the most upbeat, and probably the most wearable collection, of the four day preview in Milan.

杜嘉班纳 (DOLCE&GABBANA) 本季设计以灰、黑、褐色,冷静稳重的色彩为主。模特们一组一组出场的走秀方式给人更具视觉冲击力的感官效果。男模诺亚·米尔斯 (Noah Mills) 以大衣搭配"保暖衣裤"开场,将去年大热的睡衣风潮换了新花样,一样体现出无拘无束的自由闲适穿衣态度。不知道报友们会否觉得这样的"出格"设计是够有些玩过头了呢?

说道Burberry Prorsum 的"早秋"系列,最重要的还是应该说隐约在其中若隐若现的军装风格和主题。Christopher Bailey 依旧延续他大受好评的裁剪和丰富的设计,多彩的面料和颜色选择。

延续了今年的流行,宽大的肩线,依旧是Christopher Bailey本次的主打手段。加上双层毛领的奢华细节,在凸显男性阳刚的时候,更是增添了一份华丽和浪漫!不得不说让人印象深刻!


