3. Schmooze well before you need something.

If you want the other person to set you up with a job or a new business after a two-minute conversation, set your sights lower. "You don't want to look desperate," says Laura DeCarlo, career coach and author of "Job Search Bloopers."

如果你想要别人在交谈两分钟后就马上为你安排某份工作或某项业务,将你的眼光放低一点吧。"Job Search Bloopers."一书的作者,也是职业教练的Laura DeCarlo说:“你总不会想让别人觉得你迫不及待吧。”

"Schmoozing should be a warm-up, establishing contact and making the person feel comfortable with you long before you ask for something." DeCarlo adds that the time between initial schmooze and asking for what you really want could be up to six months.

“交际应该是一项热身活动、是培养感情以让他在你提出要求之前对你产生更多的好感。” DeCarlo补充说在你最初开始交往到你提出要求的时间间隔应该是六个月。

4. Prepare a short self-introduction.

Forget the 15-second "elevator speech" you've heard about, RoAne says. "In less than nine seconds you should give the benefit of what you do, but not the title. If you say something like 'I make sure people have a roof over their heads,' it will arouse curiosity and encourage them to ask a question." It's also a good idea to link your self-introduction to the event, RoAne adds.

忘记你听说的那些15秒钟的电梯演讲,RoAne说:“在九秒之内,你应该介绍你工作能够带来的利益,而不仅仅是工作的头衔。如果你这样说‘我保证别人有生存之地’那马上就会引起别人的好奇,促使他们向你提问。’” RoAne还认为在你的自我介绍中加入实例也是个好方法。

5. Focus on the other person.

Studies show that when you ask people questions about themselves, they come away from the conversation with a more favorable impression of you. Then again, don't play 20 questions. If they aren't interested in engaging at all, have a polite exit strategy and move on. And remember, if you are uncomfortable talking with strangers, your new contact may be just as uncomfortable.


6. Stoke the ego, but don't suck up.

It's a fine line between expressing admiration and being obsequious. If you want to give a compliment, whether it's on someone's shoes or their recently published article, try to be genuine and don't gush. If you're not sure how to use flattery well, practice with a friend who can give you feedback.


Good schmoozing opens the possibility of future contact. If a conversation goes well, ask for a business card. If the other person doesn't want to be contacted, don't take it personally. If they provide their information, send a quick, conversational email two days later to remind them about your conversation, RoAne says.


"Then you can ask politely for a small favor," she adds. "You can say, 'I've been interested in learning more about X, and I would love to hear from you if you have some ideas.' A request like that is not big enough to put them on the defensive."


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