
10. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (Peter Weir, 2003)

Peter Weir’s unashamedly old-fashioned and visually stunning adaptation of Patrick O’Brian’s novel is one of the greatest odes to leadership ever committed to celluloid. Australian director Weir has made many terrific films, including Gallipoli, Dead Poets Society, The Year of Living Dangerously, and Witness, but Master and Commander was the pinnacle of his career so far. Nominated for 10 Oscars, including Best Picture, it should be essential viewing for any commander-in-chief. Russell Crowe delivers a powerhouse performance as Jack Aubrey, Captain of HMS Surprise, a British warship that hunts and ultimately captures a far larger French adversary during the Napoleonic Wars. Set in 1805, it is an epic tale of heroism and love for country in the face of incredible odds, and a glowing tribute to the grit and determination that forged the British Empire.

剧情简介:1805年,拿破仑在欧陆纵横,而海战方面,只有英国舰队可以与之匹敌。英军杰克(Russell Crowe 饰)船长与自己的军舰惊奇号受命拦截法方军舰地狱号进入南太平洋,两舰在巴西北海岸初次相遇,地狱号凭借优势火力与厚甲将惊奇号击败,杰克依靠浓雾天气勉强得脱。虽然初战不利,但曾经跟随纳尔逊将军的杰克对自己的军舰充满信心,拒绝返航并着手研究对手。不久两舰再次相遇,杰克使用诱饵战术扭转了局势,一路追踪到暴风雨肆虐的合恩角,杰克的执着引起好友船医斯蒂芬的反对,但是杰克拥有一支精英的团队,在种种不利之中,船员们将针对性的训练坚持了下来。斯蒂芬意外受伤让杰克停止追逐,暂留小岛休整,此行意外的为杰克提供了战斗灵感,很快地狱号再次出现,两舰终于迎来了宿命般的对决……




9. Black Hawk Down (Ridley Scott, 2001)

Sir Ridley Scott’s searing depiction of the ill-fated US raid on Mogadishu in 1993, which left 19 American servicemen dead, was released just months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States and the launch of the War on Terror. Based on the book by Mark Bowden, it won Academy Awards for Best Film Editing and Sound, and Scott was nominated for Best Director. Many critics enthusiastically dubbed Black Hawk Down an anti-war film, and it is in some respects a cautionary tale about the perils of nation-building. But I regard it above all as an extraordinarily powerful and deeply patriotic tribute to the heroism and bravery of the US military, faced with overwhelming odds in a hostile city dominated by brutal Somali warlords. It is essentially a story of incredible sacrifice and camaraderie in the heat of battle, and ranks alongside Zulu, Saving Private Ryan and A Bridge Too Far as one of the greatest war films of all time.





8. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Peter Jackson, 2001, 2002, 2003)

All three parts of the Lord of the Rings trilogy were great pieces of cinema – The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and finally The Return of the King, which won Best Picture at the 2004 Academy Awards. J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of Lord of the Rings, was a devout Catholic and conservative, and a close friend of C.S. Lewis at Oxford. His vision of a mighty battle between good and evil in the realms of Middle Earth was brilliantly transferred to the screen by New Zealand director Peter Jackson, perfectly fitting a post 9/11 world where the forces of freedom found themselves pitted against a barbaric enemy.





7. Gladiator (Ridley Scott, 2000)

Ridley Scott is without a doubt one of the finest directors of the modern era, and preceded Black Hawk Down with his masterful Best Picture winner Gladiator. The tale of an enslaved former Roman general, Maximus (played by Russell Crowe), who becomes a gladiator and brings down a corrupt Emperor, features some of the most exciting action sequences ever filmed, backed by Hanns Zimmer’s soaring soundtrack. In essence this is a movie about confronting evil and destroying it. There is not an ounce of appeasement or the whiff of “engagement” in Maximus’s blood, only the desire to avenge the murder of his family and see justice carried out. It is the sort of uncompromising movie experience guaranteed to send pacifists and lily-livered liberals running for the exits.





6. The Pursuit of Happyness (Gabriele Muccino, 2006)

This Will Smith vehicle, based on the autobiographical bestseller by Chris Gardner, is one of the most powerful tributes to the free market and the value of individual responsibility ever made. Smith plays an impoverished entrepreneur from a humble background in 1980s San Francisco who through sheer determination and strength of human spirit defies all odds to become a stockbroker with a top investment firm, before making his fortune. Smith’s character embodies the can-do spirit of Reagan’s America, and rejects the welfare state in favour of the capitalist ideal, while bringing up a young son on his own. The Pursuit of Happyness is an inspiring and often deeply moving tribute to the American dream, and one of the great conservative movies of this generation.





5. The Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan, 2008)

Christopher Nolan’s global mega hit raked in over $1 billion worldwide, and it’s not hard to see why. Featuring some of the most striking set designs since Blade Runner, Nolan’s towering vision of Gotham City looked glorious in IMAX, and was a ground-breaking cinematic achievement. Heath Ledger’s pitch-perfect performance as The Joker deservedly won him a posthumous Best Supporting Actor award. It is though its depiction of Batman’s relentless war against the Joker’s campaign of terror, which marks The Dark Knight as a standout conservative film. The Dark Knight himself, played to perfection by Christian Bale, is unwavering in his determination to defeat his adversary, whatever the cost.





4. The Hurt Locker (Kathryn Bigelow, 2009)

Kathryn Bigelow’s critically acclaimed tribute to the heroism of US Army bomb disposal experts in Iraq has already been nominated for three Golden Globes. It is a searing and tense war film that has been the surprise hit of the year in the United States. What is refreshing about the film is its willingness to portray the US military presence in Iraq in an overwhelmingly sympathetic light, and the al-Qaeda-backed enemy as barbaric and fundamentally evil. The Hurt Locker is by far the best conservative film of 2009, and one of the greatest of the decade.

剧情简介:美军侵入伊拉克后,上士威廉姆斯•詹姆斯(杰瑞米•雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)被调入陆军亡命连拆弹组,接替刚在巴格达执行任务中牺牲的同事。拆弹组另两人,负责联络的士官桑波恩(安东尼•麦凯 Anthony Mackie 饰)和负责掩护的特种兵欧文(布莱恩•杰拉蒂 Brian Geraghty 饰)对意气用事的威廉姆斯相当反感。但在联合国大楼的拆弹行动中,抗拒命令强行拆弹的威廉姆斯却得到上校瑞德(大卫•莫尔斯 David Morse 饰)的赞赏。在一次仓库拆弹任务中,威廉姆斯认为被用作尸体炸弹的伊拉克小男孩是他在军营认识的卖盗版DVD的贝克汉姆(克里斯托佛•萨伊 Christopher Sayegh 饰)。小贝克汉姆的死让威廉姆斯更为疯狂,竟私离军营单枪匹马入城调查……




3. Hotel Rwanda (Terry George, 2004)

Hotel Rwanda is one of the most powerful films ever made depicting genocide. In its unflinching portrayal of the weakness and indifference of the United Nations and the broader international community in the face of the 1994 Rwanda genocide, Terry George’s film vividly captured the horror of the mass slaughter of the Tutsis by the Hutus, which left one million people dead. The film’s moving true story is told through the eyes of Paul Rusesabagina (played brilliantly by Don Cheadle), a hotel owner who selflessly saved the lives of over a thousand refugees from the minority Tutsi tribe. It is a hugely important film with a powerful conservative message on two levels – it demonstrated the impotence and moral bankruptcy of the UN’s leadership in the face of genocide as well as the limits of multilateralism, and ultimately made a compelling case for the use of force by the free world to act against evil. It is a film that former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan (head of UN peacekeeping at the time), should be made to watch over and over again.

剧情简介:影片来源于一个真实的故事。保罗 •卢斯赛伯吉纳(唐•钱德尔 Don Cheadle 饰)在乱世中开了一家饭店,这家饭店在杀戮如麻的世界中,就像一个绿洲供人休憩,救人性命。事件源于两国元首的罹难:他们分别是胡图族和图西族的首领,同乘一班机,却被意外击落。这样一来,两族人之间的猜忌和争斗开始了,胡图族人开始疯狂杀戮图西族人。   




2. The Lives of Others (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006)

There have been surprisingly few films made about the massive human cost inflicted by Soviet Communism, and its ruthless dominance of eastern and central Europe over the course of nearly four decades. The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) is one of the very finest, and is a damning indictment of the totalitarian surveillance society run by the Secret Police in East Germany. Set in East Berlin in 1984, the film tells the ultimately redemptive tale of a conflicted Stasi officer (played by Ulrich Mühe, in his final role) tasked with spying on a dissident playwright (Sebastian Koch). The Lives of Others deservedly won the Best Foreign Language Film at the 2007 Oscars, and was a huge success in its native Germany, where it forced the country to once again confront the ghosts of its recent past and the huge pain and suffering inflicted by Communist rule in the east.





1. 300 (Zack Snyder, 2007)

Any film that prompts howls of indignation from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his brutal acolytes in Tehran deserves recognition. 300 achieved that in spades with its fiery retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC, where three hundred Spartan warriors took on a vast army of Persians commanded by Xerxes. Zack Snyder’s faithful adaptation of the Frank Miller graphic novel featured incredible battle sequences shot with the latest digital technology, and proved a major box office hit. As he contemplates how to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat, Barack Obama should ditch his failed appeasement strategy and take some tips from the Spartans about standing your ground in the face of an evil tyrant.

剧情简介:这部电影描述了人类史上最残酷的战争之一:温泉关之战。公元前480年,波斯国王薛西斯一世(罗德里格•桑托罗 Rodrigo Santoro 饰)亲率30万大军征战希腊。希腊各个城邦迅速派出军队结成了联军,准备抵御波斯军队的入侵。   
防线的最前线设在希腊的温泉关,此处由斯巴达城的国王列奥尼达(杰拉德•巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)率领本城300精兵和联军4000余人镇守。由于叛徒的出卖,希腊军队被波斯军队抄到了身后形成围剿之势。列奥尼达为了保存联军实力,让联军首先撤退,自己率领300精兵死守温泉关断后。   

