A strong cold wave is sweeping over most of China. Northern cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and others in Hebei Province are embracing the new year's first snowfall.

Beijing saw snow at the beginning of November, but hasn't seen any of the white stuff since. The Beijing Meteorological Bureau says the snow will be followed by strong wind and a possible blizzard.

Residents could experience a significant temperature drop between Tuesday and Thursday, when the mercury could dip to minus 15. The Central Meteorological Station is issuing an orange alert, warning most areas in north, central and east China can expect temperatures to drop 8 to 12 degrees Celsius in a single day.

Under an orange alert, the departments of railway, communication, electricity and transportation must increase the maintenance of roads, railways and power lines. The station is also reminding people to dress warmly during the cold and to reduce outdoor activities.


从2日开始,北京气象台轮番发布寒潮、暴雪、道路结冰三种预警。2日晚7时再次发布寒潮蓝色预警信号,称3日后半夜雪停后北京将有五六天大风,气温下降 7℃到8℃。2日晚9时50分,北京气象台发布今年首个道路结冰黄色预警信号。对此气象专家表示,近日来北京地区气温较低,白天最高气温在-6℃到-9℃ 之间,非常寒冷,哪怕1毫米的降雪都很难融化,更别说是强度如此大的降雪。



