Tailor the Resume and Network

In order to land a job in 2010, you will need to network and tailor your resume specifically for each position.

Think of everyone who might be able to help you -- family, friends, social acquaintances, former business associates, leave no stone unturned. Don't be shy! You can get the word out without being obnoxious or sounding desperate. Join a professional organization and attend the meetings. You'll get useful information and leads by networking with those who are active in your field of expertise.

Create a general resume that can be customized. Be aware of keywords. Use bullet points for a cleaner look and just state the facts. Recruiters will not spend time on a resume that contains errors and doesn't have a professional appearance.
-- Debbie Dean, recruiter, Wells Fargo
--Debbie Dean,Wells Fargo的招聘人员

Go for a Realistic Match

Job seekers must remain focused on opportunities that are a solid match to their background, skills, and abilities. While it might be tempting to apply for every open position out there, a targeted search will be a much more efficient use of job-search resources and will give the best chance of success. A hiring manager's number one question is, "Why did this person apply to my job posting?" To be a successful finalist, you need to have a better response than, "It was open."

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