3. Remember that perspective is subjective.

You don't have to accept every criticism of your performance as fact. In fact, you can dispute some parts -- if you do it with kid gloves. Crawford, a specialist in career transition and helping workers find their ideal jobs, says, "You've got to keep things civil and polite, but you don't need to roll over. Acknowledge the valid points of your review, but you can dissent by saying, 'There are just a few things that I have a different perspective on; this is what actually happened.'" Doing so will allow you to direct the conversation back to your point of view rather than attacking the quality of your evaluation.

4. Get real.

So, you've gotten a poor review and you may or may not agree with it. You now need to decide if you want to stay at this job or move on. If you love your job, it's worth working on things, even if you disagree with your evaluation, believes Crawford. "But," she adds, "most people have a gut sense that a job isn't a fit yet they've ignored that instinct." If that's the case, she believes in moving on to another opportunity.

She reminds workers, though, "Don't decide whether to stay or go from a place of fear. You need to come from a place of power and confidence in yourself. If you're afraid, you won't be able to make the best decision for your career."

5. Learn from your mistakes.

When you land at your next job, you may feel extreme anxiety about your first evaluation. You can prevent this -- and getting another negative review -- by opening the lines of communication with your manager from day one.

Crawford, whose book "Flying Solo: Career Transition Tips for Singles" comes out in June 2008, says, "You don't ever want an evaluation to be a big surprise! But you can ensure against that by asking for feedback often and checking in with your boss and coworkers." Find out how often you'll get an official evaluation but also solicit informal reviews after big projects. She adds, "People who communicate openly from day one on a job set the stage to receive feedback naturally. So be that person in the first place."
Crawford在2008年出版了"Flying Solo: Career Transition Tips for Singles"一书,她说:“没有任何人想要出人意料的评估。你可以通过定期询问你的上司和同事对你的反馈意见来预防这种情况的发生。”查清楚你多久会要面临一次正式的评估,在大的项目结束之后要求对自己的非正式的评审。她补充说:“从来到工作的第一天开始就开诚布公的交流的人,都为能够得到自然的反馈奠定了基础。那么就成为第一个这样做的人吧。”

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