《野兽王国》是根据同名的童书改编的电影,充满了童真浪漫的剧情和画面让观众回味曾经的纯真年代。而其中的主题歌All is Love请了小朋友一起合唱,更显活泼可人。

All Is Love
by Karen O and The Kids

1, 2 ready, go!!
Grow some big feet, holes in history
Is where you'll find me, is where you'll find
All is Love, is love, is love, is love

L.O.V.E, it's a mystery
Where you’ll find me, where you’ll find
All is Love, is love, is love, is love

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ..... All is Love

1, 2 ready, go!!
L.O.V.E, it's a mystery
Where you’ll find me, where you’ll find
All is Love, is love, is love, is lo
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ......
L.O.V.E, it's a mystery
Where you’ll find me, where you’ll find
All is Love, is love, is love, is love ......