4. Use Social Networks

The digital world has blown the doors off traditional job-search methods. Social networking tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and even local websites like Craigslist can help you bypass some of the traditional barriers between you and an employer by providing a way to connect directly with people at the companies where you would like to work. It's not enough to just create a profile, however. You need to get active. Use the networks to, well, network. Join groups that could help provide connections such as alumni groups for your previous employers or schools, fan pages for potential employers, and use the sites' job marketplaces.
数字世界颠覆了传统的求职方法。像LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook等社交网络工具,甚至连Craigslist这样的地方网站都能够让你直接联系上你想进入的公司的在职人员,这样就帮助你打破了你和雇主之间存在的传统障碍。然而,仅仅是注册一份档案是远远不够的,你应该要在上满积极活跃。另外,也要利用这些社交网络来组建你的交际网。加入那些能够拓宽联络的社团,比如你前任雇主或以前学校的校友会、潜在雇主的粉丝团,并且要利用好网络上的求职市场。

5. Post Your Resume

Use job-searching websites like Yahoo! HotJobs to both learn about job openings and let hiring employers know about your availability. If you're willing to do a little more work use to help you stand apart from the crowd. The site allows you to create your own branded webpage which you can post online and send to hiring managers.
利用像Yahoo! HotJobs这样的求职网站,既可以得知求职招聘信息,也可以让招聘雇主知道你正在找工作。如果你愿意付出多一点的话,就利用来让自己脱颖而出。该网站允许你创建自己的品牌主页,既可以在网上发布,也可以直接发送给招聘经理。

6. Join the Club


Career clubs are popping up nationwide to help out-of-work job searchers. These clubs provide people with camaraderie, contacts, and information about how to overcome common job hurdles. Search online "job clubs" or "career clubs" to find leads on how to connect with other local job-hunters.
职业俱乐部是在全国都有的,旨在帮助失业的求职者。这些俱乐部为求职人士提供关爱,联系,以及如何克服求职障碍的相关信息。在线搜索"job clubs" 或 "career clubs",就可以找到如何与当地猎头取得联系的线索。

7. Hit the Streets

Phone calls and emails are necessary, but getting in front of people face to face could be what really sets you apart from other applicants. Identify your best job prospects, do some research to find out who you need to talk to at those organizations and then get in the car and go. Drop by the office and ask if you can simply give your resume to the hiring manager in person. Don't push for an interview on the spot, but rather explain that you want to let them know of your interest, drop off your resume, and complete an application while you're there if possible.

8. Consider Something Temporary

If full-time work isn't on the horizon but the bill collectors are, look for temporary or seasonal work to help make ends meet. Before signing up with just any temporary agency find one that has proven success placing workers who have your skill set and preferably with employers in your field of interest.

Keep at It

Finding a job is usually not easy work. Overcome inertia and frustration by viewing it as a short period of time in which you can make a long-term investment in your own future.

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