Interactivity is the lifeblood of live streaming. That’s what powers its monetization model in China, where audience members shower live streaming hosts with virtual gifts in exchange for attention and entertainment. Live streaming in the classroom, however, is a slightly different story.

“In the past few months, there [have been] a lot of doubts about what kind of role live streaming can play in education,” says Lu Jian, president of CCTalk Cloud, the live streaming arm of Chinese education company Hujiang. “A lot of people […] think it’s a fad.”

“However, I think it’s because of the misunderstanding of [how] live streaming for entertainment is different from live streaming for education,” he tells Tech in Asia.
“但是,我认为这主要是因为人们不太了解娱乐直播和教育直播之间的区别。”他告诉Tech in Asia的记者。

CCTalk is part of a growing number of live broadcasting services in China’s education industry. Similar to entertainment and ecommerce applications of live streaming, educational live streams open a real-time channel between a host and an audience, or – in education vernacular – a teacher and students.

The key difference, however, is in host and audience interactions. On CCTalk, for example, virtual gifting is not encouraged. Beautifying effects, such as filters that make your eyes bigger, are also non-existent. Instead, there are tools that are familiar to anyone who’s tried MOOCs like Coursera and Udemy.
但是,主播和观众之间的互动是最主要的区别。打个比方,在CCTalk上不鼓励送虚拟礼物。那些能使你眼睛变大的滤镜美颜等工具也不复存在。相反,上过MOOCs课程的人(例如Coursera 和Udemy的公开课)应该会比较熟悉CCTalk上的一些功能。

Teachers can share their screen with students and write on a virtual whiteboard. To prevent CCTalk students – as many as ten thousand in a single class – from drowning out their classmates or teacher, students have to ‘raise their hand’ to participate.

Even though the classes are less polished – teachers can’t edit footage – live courses feel more authentic, says Lu Jian.

“I think live courses […] are more popular because they are more similar to the experience of the classes that we all have experience with,” says Lu Jian. “The teacher is teaching on the stage [and] we can interact with him or her.”

The company plans to add more live interaction features in the future, such as pop quizzes and in-class vocabulary games. Because classes are live, interactions can be more dynamic, says Lu Jian.

Currently, Hujiang has over 10,000 individuals and organizations teaching classes on CCTalk. Though most classes are free, some teachers are making more than US$200 per class. Unlike Hujiang’s MOOC-like video classes – the company’s main revenue stream – CCTalk has no restrictions on content or teaching experience. Anyone can register as a teacher and start broadcasting live.
目前,沪江 CCTalk 直播平台已经吸引超过1万名老师和机构在此进行授课。尽管大多数的课程是免费的,但是还是有一些老师每堂课的收入超过200美元。沪江的MOOC类视频课程是公司的主要收入来源,和这些课程不同的是,CCTalk对内容和教学经验没有限制。每一个人都可以注册成为老师,然后开始直播教学。


Hujiang is not the only company implementing live classes. Larger players, such as Tencent and YY, have their own live education platforms as well. Their product offering is almost identical – open platform, shared screen capabilities, education-specific interactions – which means content and reach will be key differentiating factors. No doubt each company has been able to leverage the hype around live streaming in China this year.

However, at the moment it’s not clear whether live classes offer anything new to the edutech industry. With virtual whiteboards and screen-shared powerpoint slides, they look very similar to traditional online courseware. Adobe Connect, for example, even has a little ‘hand raising’ button so students don’t talk over each other.
然而,目前尚不清楚课堂直播是否会给教育体系带来新的变化。在直播课堂上使用虚拟白板和屏幕上共享PPT,这些看起来和传统的在线课件相似。例如,Adobe Connect(全球知名的视频会议软件),甚至有一个小的“举手”按钮,以保证学生的讨论秩序。

Still, it’s worth noting that student attrition – the Achilles’ heel of MOOCs- might be mitigated if edutech companies can make live classes more engaging for students. For now, Hujiang will rely on external factors, such as acing the TOEFL to study or work abroad, to drive student motivation.

“In our case […] most of the students have strong motivation,” says Lu Jian. “They are not studying for fun.”
