世博网12月17日消息:今天上午,英国驻沪总领事艾琳一行(Carma Elliot OBE)访问上海世博局。上海世博局副局长黄健之向艾琳一行介绍了文艺活动等世博会筹备情况,双方就场馆布展等英国参展的相关事宜进行了交流。

Carma Elliot, British consul general in Shanghai, today learned about the latest progress of the 2010 World Expo during a meeting with Huang Jianzhi, deputy director general of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination.

The visiting British consul general in Shanghai exchanged views with Huang on the United Kingdom's Expo pavilion, which will be pierced by 60,000 slim, transparent acrylic rods, extending outward and quivering in the breeze.


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