You're asking the employer to figure out what you're good at (and for).

Way, way too many cover letters start out like this: "I spent 16 years teaching and transitioned into paralegal work, after which I did a stint in retail and picked up a Medical Assistant certificate. Now, I'm looking for a job that will use my organizational and people skills." Well, what job is that? You've got to be more specific. If the job is posted and you're applying for it, talk about the role. If you're writing to a contact without a specific job in mind, talk about the kinds of jobs you can do -- titles and all.

You're limiting your chances.

Dream jobs are made, not born -- that is, it's almost unheard-of for a dream job to be posted on a company website or anywhere else. If it were, the whole world would apply for it, and your chances of getting the job would be infinitesimal. Don't write off jobs that don't sound perfect for you -- apply for them anyway! The more conversations you have, the more learning you'll get and the fastest your job search will move.

You're presenting yourself in a less-than-wonderful light.

Typos, misspellings, and major grammatical errors will tank a resume faster than you can say, "Holy pink slip, Batman!" Make sure your resume and cover letter are letter-perfect before you hit "send" one more time. And as for that "private" Facebook profile, it's not private at all -- I'm looking at it right now. Ditch the photos that include bikinis, beer, bongs, and other job search-unfriendly artifacts.
拼写错误以及明显的语法错误会让你的简历在你还没来得及说出"Holy pink slip, Batman!"之前就被淘汰。在你确认发送之前再三确认你的简历和求职信没有错误。并且,关于在Facebook上的隐私档案,其实一点都没有隐私可言,我现在就正在看呢。删除那些泳装照,喝酒后的招聘,以及其他会影响求职形象的档案。

You're being slimed.

If you're getting first and second interviews but you aren't getting offers, you may have a problem with your reference from a past job. Ask a friendly temp or employment agency to check that out for you. If you find that you're being slimed (and if you didn't commit a crime on your last job) you can send a letter (or get a lawyer to do it for you) to stop the slime machine. It's called defamation.

You're in an ultra-competitive market.

Investment bankers in New York are looking at a wide range of alternatives, including changing careers and changing locations. Sometimes, the job you want and the place you live don't jibe. If the availability of candidates massively outstrips the number of open positions, you may have to make a big shift in one category or the other.

