Learning the Rules for Raises

You've been working hard earning praise from your boss and co-workers. So when will those kind words translate into more money? To find out, start by arming yourself with facts -- about how your company works and the strength of the labor market.

A Complex Equation

U.S. companies will increase their overall salary budgets by 3.9 percent in 2008, the same as in 2007, according to the WorldatWork Salary Budget Survey. The salary budget is the total amount of money a company has for merit increases or cost of living adjustments.

How large a raise you can expect -- and when -- can depend on many factors beyond whether you're performing well: your company's culture, its financial performance, and how much you make compared with your peers, for example.

Get Details from the Boss

It's always a good idea to have a general talk with your boss about how and when raises are handed out. "Good bosses would be very open to having that conversation," said Gail Ginder, a leadership coach in Healdsburg, California. Ask what it takes to get a raise, when decisions on raises are made, and how you can find out if you're on track.
一个永远的好方法就是与你的上司心平气和的谈谈什么时候会加薪,怎么加薪。Gail Ginder 是加州希尔兹堡的一位领导教练,他说:“好老板会开放的接受这种类型的谈话。”询问他你怎样才能得到加薪,关于加薪的决策什么时候会制定,以及你该如何确定自己的做法是否正确。

"They really need to find out what it is they can expect," Ginder said. Even changing bosses within one company can mean a different set of criteria, if the company gives managers a lot of latitude in awarding increases. If your boss doesn't know, someone in human resources should be able to answer your questions.

Every Employer Is Unique

Bear in mind, though, that some companies are more organized than others when it comes to pay increases. Some simply give everyone average raises, said Shari Dunn, managing principal of CompAnalysis, a compensation and HR consulting firm in Oakland, California. Others are trying to move away from giving everyone an annual increase and instead look at whether you're being paid what the market says your work is worth.
记住,当涉及加薪的时候,很多公司都比其他公司更有组织性一些。CompAnalysis ,是加州奥克兰一家赔偿和人力资源咨询公司,其管理首脑Shari Dunn说:“有些公司只是简单的给每个人一份平均的增长,而其他的公司则试着脱离给每个人一份年增长的机制,而是根据你的市场价值来决定你是否值得加薪。”

At many companies, raises depend on a mix of your performance and how much you make compared with others doing the same job. You may find that if you're nearing the top of the pay bracket for your position, you'll need to earn a promotion to get a raise.

For example, Dunn said, an average performer who is paid an average salary for employees at that level would get an average raise, but an average performer who was paid near the top of the company's range for his or her job would likely get less. A top performer who is paid less than others in the same job could be in line for a larger-than-average raise.

"The linkage to performance is sometimes tenuous," Dunn said.
“与业绩挂钩的加薪体制有时候是很脆弱的。” Dunn说。

Demonstrate Your Value

While you're asking your boss to explain how raise decisions are made, should you also ask for a raise? Again, it's important to know how your employer operates.

Large, traditional companies and government agencies often use clearly defined processes to determine raises, and asking for more money mid-year will just make you seem out of place. On the other hand, more entrepreneurial companies may be more open to requests for raises -- as long as they're backed up by solid data about your performance and what it's worth, not just a list of things you'd like to buy if you had more money.

"Employers like ambitious employees, especially if they're good performers," Dunn said.
Dunn 说:“雇主都喜欢有野心的员工,尤其是表现优良者。”