
I was on my way, I swear

But I took a wrong turn, there

For I zigged when I should have zagged

It's a somber turn out tonight

Chemistry class

Try to do our part

Something happened in the dark

We bought raincoats and pretty charms

And they did remember this time

To keep it inside
Now we keep the water still
On the broken window sill
For if not we have to move

It is green outside
Where it seems magical
And if nothing works
We'll do nothing
I hope we're on time

And we shouldn't look at the sky
The perilous light
We were not allowed outside
And no one could tell us why

I got worried
With shaky hands
So we said the words that we kept
For worrying times

I was on my way, I swear
But I lost my way somewhere
And the trees were glistening

From the silver trickling water
When the rain returns

We had our suspicions
Thinking what my heart confirmed

It is sweet outside
Where it seems magical
And if nothing works
We'll do nothing

Save yourself tonight
Asleep in the dark
I hope we're on time

    也许是大自然的特性使然,寒冷的气候和似世界尽头般的地理位置,让北欧这片与世无争的土地总是能源源不断地向人们提供那些不食人间烟火美妙乐音--除了来自冰岛的Sigur ros和Mum,芬兰的Anna kaisa liedes,挪威的Kings of convenience以及瑞典的Club 8,这次为我们带来的礼物则是来自丹麦的Mew(海鸥)。

  不同于他们风靡世界乐坛的同胞Aqua(水叮当)和Michael learns to rock(麦克学摇滚),Mew的声音永远那么的冷静内敛,不管是在如火花跳动一样的吉他噪音响起,还是主唱用那纤细而响亮的声音开始诉说某件事物,都会令人暂且忘记自己所处何时何地,并不由自主地随之伤感起来。



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