How to Convince Your Boss to Let You Work from Home

If you want to work from home there are a few things you need to know and do before you can attempt to try to build a good case that your employer should allow you to work from home.

Step 1: Be Sure You Can Work from Home

Ask yourself these questions before going to the time and trouble to state your case for working from home:

1)Is your job one that can be effectively be done from home? If not, could it be restructured to make it work from home friendly?

2)Are you sure that you have the self discipline necessary to work from home? What evidence do you have or examples can you cite that would back up that statement?

3)How many days per week working from home would satisfy you?

4)Are you trying to climb the ladder of success in your career? If so, will future promotions be sacrificed if you are "out of sight and out of mind" while you work from home?

Step 2: Get Your Work from Home Facts Together

You need to be armed with hard data and you need to be able to convince your employer that working from home is not only in your best interest, more importantly (to them), it's in their best interest too.

1)Find out if your company already has a work from home program in place. Human resources is a good place to find this out. Even if they don't, plans may be in the works that you might not know about.

2)If people are already working from home in your company, find out how you can contact them. Even if you don't know any of the telecommuters personally, see if any of your contacts at work can put you in touch with them. Once you reach them, see if they can offer you some tips on how best to approach the idea and see if they'll share what worked for them.

3)Compile facts about you and your position. What can you say to prove that you are trustworthy and reliable and that you have the self discipline to work independently. Is there any information on your past performance reviews that might back you up? How will working from home impact others on your team, and what can you do to prevent problems?

