
Year: 1949
Title: 三毛流浪记 (San Mao Liu Lang Ji)
Director: 赵明 (Ming Zhao), 严恭 (Gong Yan)
Writer: 杨翰笙(Hansheng Yang)
Cast: 王龙基 (Longji Wang)
Category: 喜剧 - Comedy
Production: 昆仑影业公司
Length: 74 min
Rating: 7/10


Year: 1952
Title: 南征北战 (Nan Zheng Bei Zhan)
Director: 成荫 (Yin Cheng), 汤晓丹 (Xiaodan Tang)
Writer: 沈西蒙(Ximeng Sheng), 沈默君(Mojung Sheng), 顾宝璋(Baozhang Gu)
Cast: 陈戈 (Ge Chen), 冯奇 (Qi Feng)
Category: 战争 - War
Production: 上海电影制片厂 - Shanghai
Length: 122 min
Rating: 5/10
In 1947 the Chinese Red Army sets a trap for the Nationalist forces in Jiangsu province.


Year: 1954
Title: 渡江侦察记 (Du Jiang Zhen Cha Ji) - Scouting Across the Yangtze River
Director: 汤晓丹 (Xiaodan Tang)
Writer: 沈默君(Mojung Sheng)
Cast: 孙道临 (Daolin Sun), 齐衡 (Heng Qi)
Category: 战争 - War
Production: 上海电影制片厂 - Shanghai
Length: 106 min
Rating: 5/10


Year: 1956
Title: 上甘岭 (shang gan ling) - Battle on Shangganling Mountain
Director: 林杉 (Shan Lin), 沙蒙 (Meng Sha)
Writer: 林杉 (Shan Lin), 沙蒙 (Meng Sha)
Cast: 高保成 (Baocheng Gao), 刘磊 (Lei Liu), 徐林格 (Linge Xu)
Category: 战争 - War
Production: 长春电影制片厂出品
Length: ? min
Rating: 6/10
An accurate depiction of tunnel warfare adopted by Chinese as a countermeasure to mitigate the advantage of firepower of UN...


Year: 1961
Title: 红色娘子军 (Hong se niang zi jun) - Red Detachment of Women
Director: 谢晋 (Jin Xie)
Writer: 梁信 (Xin Liang)
Cast: 祝希娟 (Xijuan Zhu), 王心刚 (Xingang Wang), 向梅 (Mei Xiang)
Category: 战争 - War
Production: 天马电影制片厂
Length: ? min
Rating: 6/10
In 1930s, Wu Qionghua was a housemaid of Nan-ba-tian, a cruel warlord of a village in Hainan Island, China. Often abused by her master, Qionghua was finally rescued by Hong Changqing, leader of the Red Detachment of Women - a troop of women soldiers...


Year: 1962
Title: 红楼梦 (hong lou meng) - Dream of the Red Chamber
Director: 岑范
Writer: 徐進
Cast: 徐玉兰, 王文娟, 吕瑞英
Category: 戏曲
Production: 海燕电影制片厂
Length: 167 min
Rating: 7/10
早丧慈母的林黛玉,投奔到外祖母家 (贾府) 寄居。胸怀才智的林黛玉,与不同凡俗的表哥宝玉虽系初次见面,却是一见如故。第二年,贾府又来了出身名门大族、具有“大家风范”的薛宝钗(宝玉母亲王夫人的姨侄女)...
影片是以越剧《红楼梦》为蓝本拍摄的一部越剧舞台艺术片。 剧本根据曹雪芹古典小说《红楼梦》改编。
A detailed, episodic record of the two branches of the Jia Clan, the Rong-guo and Ning-guo Houses, who reside in two large adjacent family compounds in the capital...


Year: 1964
Title: 英雄儿女 (Ying Xiong Er Nu) - Heroic Sons and Daughters
Director: 武兆堤 (Zhaodi Wu)
Writer: 毛烽 (Feng Mao)
Cast: 刘世龙 (Shilong Liu), 刘尚娴 (Shangxian Liu), 田方 (Fang Tian)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 长春电影制片厂
Length: 134 min
Rating: 8/10
An army officer has a chance encounter with a young soldier, the son of an old comrade in arms. The soldier tells the officer he has a sister who is also in the army...


Year: 1974
Title: 闪闪的红星 (shan shan de hong xing) - Sparking Red Star
Director: 李俊 (Jun Li), 李昂 (Ang Li)
Writer: 叶蔚林
Cast: 祝新运, 薄贯君
Category: 战争 - War
Production: 八一电影制片厂
Length: ? min
Rating: 6/10
1931年,红军解放了柳溪,建立了红色政权, 7岁的潘冬子也参加了打土豪分田地的斗争。父亲潘行义在手术中主动将麻药让给阶级兄弟的行为,使潘冬子深受教育 ...


Year: 1979
Title: 小城故事 (shan shan de hong xing) - Story of a Small Town
Director: 李行 (Hsing Li)
Writer: 张永祥
Cast: 林凤娇, 钟镇涛, 葛香亭
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 大众有限公司
Length: ? min
Rating: 6/10
台湾鹿港三义镇的老雕刻匠赖金水,因替人作保而受连累坐牢。在狱中,他结识了因打伤姐夫而服刑的青年陈文雄。赖师傅喜爱陈文雄的忠厚老实,便教他木雕手艺 ...


Year: 1979
Title: 小花 (xiao hua) - The Little Flower
Director: 张铮 (Zheng Zhang)
Writer: 前涉
Cast: 唐国强 (Guoqiang Tang), 陈冲 (Joan Chen),  刘晓庆 (Xiaoqing Liu)
Category: 爱情 / 剧情 / 战争 - Drama | Romance | War more
Production: 北京电影制片厂
Length: ? min
Rating: 8/10


Year: 1980
Title: 405谋杀案 (405 mou sha an) - Murder In 405
Director: 沈耀庭
Writer: 于本正
Cast: 仲星火, 徐敏
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 上海电影制片厂
Length: 90 min
Rating: 6/10
A murder investigation in Donghai City leads to a larger conspiracy...


Year: 1980
Title: 天云山传奇 (tian yun shang chuan qi) - Legend of Tianyun Mountain
Director: 谢晋 (Jin Xie)
Writer: 鲁彦周 (Yanzhou Lu)
Cast: 施建岚, 王馥荔
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 上海电影制片厂
Length: ? min
Rating: 7/10
周瑜贞去寻找20年前关于天云山区的规划书,却见到一个叫罗群的马车夫,是个至今没有平反的 "右派分子" 、 "反党分子" 。周瑜贞找到了曾在考察队工作现在是小学教师的冯晴岚,发现她是罗群的妻子...
In the early 1950s, Song Wei and Feng Qinglan, two female newly graduates from school, join Tianyun Mountain Exploration Team. Song falls in love with Luo Qun, the newly appointed political commissar...


Year: 1981
Title: 喜盈门 (xi ying men) - In-Laws
Director: 赵焕章
Writer: 辛显令,
Cast: 王书勤, 温玉娟, 王玉梅
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 上海电影制片厂
Length: 100 min
Rating: 7/10


Year: 1982
Title: 牧马人 (mu ma ren) - Herdsman
Director: 谢晋 (Jin Xie)
Writer: 李准
Cast: 丛珊 (Shan Cong), 朱时茂  (Shimao Zhu), 牛犇 (Ben Niu)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 上海电影制片厂
Length: 106 min
Rating: 7/10


Year: 1982
Title: 人到中年 (ren dao zhong nian) - At Middle Age
Director: 王启民 (Qimin Wang)
Writer: 王启民 (Qimin Wang)
Cast: 达式常 (Shichang Da), 潘虹 (Hong Pan)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 长春电影制片厂
Length: ? min
Rating: 7/10
1979年秋,某医院中年眼科医生陆文婷,因心肌梗塞急性发作,送去抢救。眼科孙逸民主任记得,陆文婷医术精湛,全心全意为患者服务,但在医院工作18年仍是住院医生,月工资只有56元 5角...
Lu Wenting is a mother and a hard working eye-doctor in early 60s socialist China. She is an outstanding surgeon and a devoted socialist, but she feels that she is not fulfilling all her duties as a mother and a wife...


Year: 1982
Title: 投奔怒海 (tou beng lu hai) - Boat People
Director: 许鞍华 (Ann Hui)
Writer: 戴安平
Cast: 林子祥, 缪骞人, 马斯晨, 刘德华
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 青鸟电影制片有限公司
Length: 106 min
Rating: 6/10
A Japanese reporter arrives in Vietnam hoping to capture the essence the society under the rule of the Communist Party. With the help of a vietnamese girl, he eventually opens his eyes to the painful truth of postwar Vietnam...


Year: 1982
Title: 少林寺 (shao lin si) - The Shaolin Temple
Director: 张鑫炎 (Xinyan Zhang)
Writer: 卢少璋
Cast: 李连杰 (Jet Li), 丁岚 (Lan Ding), 于承惠 (Cheng-Hui Yu)
Category: 动作 - Action
Production: 中原电影制片公司
Length: 95 min
Rating: 7/10
The Tang emperor is betrayed by one of his generals, who installs himself as emperor in the East Capital. The son of one of his slave workers escapes to the Shaolin Temple, learns kung fu, and sets out to kill the traitor, who killed his father...


Year: 1983
Title: 没有航标的河流 (mei you han biao de he liu) - River Without Buoys
Director: 吴天明 (Tianming Wu)
Writer: 叶蔚林
Cast: 李纬, 胡荣华, 陶玉玲
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 100 min
Rating: 6/10


Year: 1984
Title: 高山下的花环 (Gao shan xia de hua huan) - Wreaths at the Foot of the Mountain
Director: 谢晋 (Jin Xie)
Writer: 李凖 (Zhun Li)
Cast:  斯琴高娃, 吕晓禾, 何伟
Category: 剧情,  战争 - Drama, War
Production: 南方影业公司
Length: 117 min
Rating: 7/10
原著, 李存葆, 小说《高山下的花环》.
The son of a high ranking female official who joined the rank before the communist take over was in the unit that were to be sent to the front, and the female official was able to get through the often inefficient system...


Year: 1984
Title: 红衣少女 (hong yi shao nu) - The Girl in Red
Director: 陆小雅 (Xiaoya Lu)
Writer: 陆小雅 (Xiaoya Lu)
Cast: 罗燕 (Yan Luo), 邹倚天 (Yitian Zhou)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 长春电影制片厂
Length: ? min
Rating: 7/10


Year: 1986
Title: 芙蓉镇 (fu rong zhen) - Hibiscus Town
Director: 谢晋 (Jin Xie)
Writer: 阿城 (Cheng A)
Cast: 姜文 (Wen Jiang), 刘晓庆 (Xiaoqing Liu)
Category: 剧情, 爱情 - Drama, Romance
Production: 上海电影制片厂 - Shanghai
Length: 164 min
Rating: 8/10
胡玉音和丈夫黎桂桂在芙蓉镇以卖米豆腐为生,有“豆腐西施”的美誉。“四清” 运动中,以李国香为首的工作组把胡玉音打成新富农,黎桂桂被逼自杀。二流子王秋赦在“文革”中也当上镇党支书...


Year: 1986
Title: 老井 (lao jin) - Old Well
Director: 吴天明 (Tianming Wu)
Writer: 吴天明 (Tianming Wu)
Cast: 吕丽萍 (Liping Lu), 张艺谋 (Yimou Zhang), 梁玉瑾 (Yujing Liang)
Category: 剧情, 爱情 - Drama, Romance
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 130 min
Rating: 7/10
A married village worker teams up with an old girlfriend to try to dig a well for his water-starved village. The well collapses and they are trapped. Their enforced confinement leads to them exploring their feelings for each other and those around them.


Year: 1987
Title: 秋天的童话 (qiu tian de tong hua) - An Autumn's Tale
Director: 张婉婷 (Mabel Cheung)
Writer: 罗启锐 (Alex Law)
Cast: 周润发 (Yun Fat Chow), 钟楚红 (Cherie Chung)
Category: 剧情, 爱情 - Drama, Romance
Production: D&B Films
Length: 98 min
Rating: 6/10
Filmed in New York, story of naive young woman from Hong Kong who goes to New York to study. Street-wise cabbie cousin takes care of her in the big city...


Year: 1988
Title: 红高粱 (hong gao liang) - Red Sorghum
Director: 张艺谋 (Yimou Zhang)
Writer: 陈剑雨 (Jianyu Chen)
Cast: 巩俐 (Li Gong), 姜文 (Wen Jiang), 滕汝骏 (Rujun Ten)
Category: 剧情, 战争 - Drama, War
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 91 min
Rating: 8/10
The film takes place in a rural village in China's eastern province of Shandong in the 1930s. It is narrated from the point of view of the protagonist’s grandson, who reminisces about his grandmother, Jiu'er. She was a poor girl who was sent by her parents into a pre-arranged marriage with an older man. This man, who owned a distillery, suffered from leprosy.


Year: 1989
Title: 黄河谣 (huang he yao) - Ballad of the Yellow River
Director: 滕文骥 (Wenji Teng)
Writer: 芦苇 (Wei Lu)
Cast: 段岫 (You Duan), 葛优 (You Ge)
Category: 剧情, 爱情 - Drama, Romance
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 113 min
Rating: 6/10


Year: 1990
Title: 菊豆 - Ju Dou
Director: 张艺谋 (Yimou Zhang)
Writer: 刘恒 (Heng Liu)
Cast: 巩俐 (Li Gong), 李保田 (Baotian Li), 李纬 (Wei Li)
Category:  剧情 - Drama
Production: 西安电影制片厂
Length: 95 min
Rating: 7/10
A woman married to the brutal and infertile owner of a dye mill in rural China conceives a boy with her husband's nephew but is forced to raise her son as her husband's heir without revealing his parentage in this circular tragedy...


Year: 1991
Title: 大红灯笼高高挂 (Da hong deng long gao gao gua) - Raise the Red Lantern
Director: 张艺谋 (Yimou Zhang)
Writer: 倪震 (Zhen Ni)
Cast: 巩俐 (Li Gong), 马精武 (Jingwu Ma), 何赛飞 (Saifei He)
Category:  剧情, 喜剧 - Drama, Comedy
Production: 中国电影合拍公司
Length: 125 min
Rating: 7/10
China in the 1920's. After her father's death, nineteen year old Songlian is forced to marry Chen Zuoqian, the lord of a powerful family. Fifty year old Chen has already three wives, each of them living in separate houses within the great castle...


Year: 1992
Title: 秋菊打官司 (Qiu Ju da guan shi) - The Story of Qiu Ju
Director: 张艺谋 (Yimou Zhang)
Writer: 刘恒 (Heng Liu)
Cast: 巩俐 (Li Gong), 雷恪生 (Quesheng Lei), 刘佩琦 (Peiqi Liu)
Category:  剧情, 喜剧 - Drama, Comedy
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 110 min
Rating: 7/10
A pregnant peasant woman seeks redress from the Chinese bureaucracy after the village chief kicks her husband in the groin in this comedy of justice...


Year: 1992
Title: 推手 (tui shou) - Pushing Hands
Director: 李安 (Ang Lee)
Writer: 李安
Cast: 郎雄, 王莱
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 中央电影公司
Length: 107 min
Rating: 6/10
The story is about an elderly Chinese tai chi chuan teacher and grandfather who emigrates from Beijing to live with his son, American daughter-in-law, and grandson in a New York City suburb...


Year: 1993
Title: 霸王别姬 (ba wang bie ji) - Farewell My Concubine
Director: 陈凯歌 (Kaige Chen)
Writer: 芦苇 (Wei Lu)
Cast: 张国荣 (Leslie Cheung), 张丰毅 (Fengyi Zhang), 巩俐 (Li Gong)
Category: 剧情, 爱情 - Drama, Romance
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 171 min
Rating: 8/10
演生角的段小楼与演旦角的程蝶衣是自小在一起长大的师兄弟。两人合演的《霸王别姬》誉满京城, 他们约定合演一辈子《霸王别姬》。后来段小楼娶了名妓菊仙为妻,依恋着师兄的蝶衣决定不再与小楼演这出戏...


Year: 1993
Title: 香魂女 (huo zhe) - The Women from the Lake of Scented Souls
Director: 谢飞 (Fei Xie)
Writer: 芦苇 (Wei Lu)
Cast: 陈宝国 (Baoguo Chen), 雷恪生 (Quesheng Lei), 斯琴高娃 (Gaowa Siqin)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 长春电影制片厂
Length: 105 min
Rating: 7/10
If money can't buy happiness, can it at least buy control over others? Xiang is hard-working, running a small sesame oil business...


Year: 1993
Title: 喜宴 (xi yan) - The Wedding Banquet
Director: 李安 (Ang Lee)
Writer: Neil Peng
Cast: Dion Birney, Jeanne Kuo Chang
Category: 爱情, 喜剧, 剧情 - Romance, Comedy, Drama
Production: Central Motion Pictures Corporation
Length: 106 min
Rating: 6/10
Simon and Wei-Tung are a gay couple living together in Manhattan. To defer the suspicions of Wei-Tung's parents, Simon suggests a marriage of convenience between Wei-Tung and Wei-Wei, an immigrant in need of a green card...


Year: 1993
Title: 蓝风筝 (lan feng zheng) - The Blue Kite
Director: 田壮壮 (Zhuangzhuang Tian)
Writer: 萧矛 (Xiao Mao)
Cast: 吕丽萍 (Liping Lu), 李雪健 (Xuejian Li), 濮存昕 (Cunxin Pu)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 北京电影制片厂 - Beijing
Length: 134 min
Rating: 8/10
On Dry Well Lane in Beijing in 1953, Chen Shujuan and Lin Shaolong marry. A year later their son, nicknamed Tietou (Iron Head), is born...


Year: 1994
Title: 饮食男女 (yin shi nan hu) - Eat Drink Man Woman
Director: 李安 (Ang Lee)
Writer: 李安 (Ang Lee)
Cast: 郎雄, 归亚蕾, 杨贵媚, 吴倩莲, 王渝文
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 中央电影公司
Length: 123 min
Rating: 6/10
Senior Master Chef Chu lives in a large house in Taipei with his three unmarried daughters, Jia-Jen, a chemistry teacher converted to Christianity, Jia-Chien, an airline executive, and Jia-Ning, a student who also works in a fast food restaurant...


Year: 1994
Title: 活着 (huo zhe) - To Live
Director: 张艺谋 (Yimou Zhang)
Writer: 芦苇 (Wei Lu)
Cast: 葛优 (You Ge), 巩俐 (Li Gong)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 133 min
Rating: 8/10
Fugui and Jiazhen endure tumultuous events in China as their personal fortunes move from wealthy landownership to peasantry. Addicted to gambling, Fugui loses everything...


Year: 1996
Title: 红河谷 (hong he gu) - Red River Valley
Director: 冯小宁 (Xiaoning Feng)
Writer: 冯小宁 (Xiaoning Feng)
Cast: 宁静 (Jing Ning), 邵兵 (Bing Shao)
Category: 剧情, 爱情, 战争 - Drama, Romance, War
Production: 上海电影制片厂 - Shanghai
Length: 115 min
Rating: 6/10
At the turn of the century, a young Chinese girl escapes from a religious sacrifice, and is rescued by an honorable Tibetan herdsman...


Year: 1997
Title: 西夏路迢迢 (xi xia lu tiao tiao) - The Journey to Xia Empire
Director: 芦苇 (Wei Lu)
Writer: 芦苇 (Wei Lu)
Cast: 倪大宏, 巴德玛
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 西安电影制片厂 - Xi'an
Length: 110 min
Rating: 6/10


Year: 1997
Title: 鸦片战争 (ya pian zhan zhen) - The Opium War
Director:  谢晋 (Jin Xie)
Writer: 朱苏进, 倪震, 宗福先, 麦天枢
Cast: 鲍国安, 林连昆, 葛香亭
Category: 剧情, 战争, 历史 - Drama, War, History
Production: 峨嵋电影制片厂
Length: 150 min
Rating: 7/10
Historical Drama starting in 1839 in Guangzhou where British merchants dealing with opium are to be executed because the opium is destroying the Empire...


Year: 1999
Title: 那山、那人、那狗 (na shan, na ren, na gou) - Postmen in the Mountains
Director: 霍建起 (Jianqi Huo)
Writer: 思芜 (Wu Si)
Cast: 刘烨 (Ye Liu), 滕汝骏 (Rujun Ten)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 潇湘电影制片厂
Length: 93 min
Rating: 7/10
An old postman has spent his whole life delivering mail to the mountain of Hunan and is about to retire. His only son is due to take over his duties...


Year: 2000
Title: 花样年华 (hua yang nian hua) - In the Mood for Love
Director: 王家卫 (Kar Wai Wong)
Writer: 王家卫 (Kar Wai Wong)
Cast: 梁朝伟, 张曼玉
Category: 爱情, 剧情 - Romance, Drama
Production: Océan Films
Length: 98 min
Rating: 6/10


Year: 2000
Title: 卧虎藏龙 (wo hu cang long) - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Director: 李安 (Ang Lee)
Writer: 王蕙玲, 蔡国荣
Cast: 周润发 (Yun-Fat Chow), 杨紫琼 (Michelle Yeoh), 章子怡 (Ziyi Zhang)
Category: 爱情, 动作 - Romance, Action
Production: 哥伦比亚影业
Length: 120 min
Rating: 8/10
The disappearance of a magical jade sword spurs a breathtaking quest for the missing treasure. Li is embittered by the loss of his jade sword, and his unrequited pursuit of Yu is further complicated by the mysterious intrusion of an assassin. The identity of the assassin is gradually unveiled as another poignant tale of love begins to ravel with that of Li and Yu against the backdrop of Western China's magnificent landscape.


Year: 2002
Title: 无间道 (wu jian dao) - Infernal Affairs
Director: 刘伟强 (Wai-keung Lau)
Writer: 麦兆辉 (Siu Fai Mak)
Cast: 梁朝伟, 刘德华, 黄秋生, 曾志伟
Category: 犯罪, 剧情 - Crime, Drama
Production: 寰亚电影有限公司
Length: 100 min
Rating: 6/10
A story between a mole in the police department and an undercover cop. Their objectives are the same: to find out who is the mole, and who is the cop...


Year: 2002
Title: 小城之春 (xiao chen zi chun) - Springtime in a Small Town
Director: 田壮壮 (Zhuangzhuang Tian)
Writer: 阿城 (Cheng A)
Cast: 胡靖钒 (Jingfan Hu), 吴军 (Jun Wu), 辛柏青 (Bai Qing Xin)
Category: 爱情 - Romance
Production: 北京电影制片厂 - Beijing
Length: 116 min
Rating: 7/10
Liyan and Yuwen live in post-war torpor, childless but with Liyan's school-aged sister. He coughs, imagining he has TB; Yuwan embroiders; they sleep in separate rooms...


Year: 2002
Title: 英雄 (ying xong) - Hero
Director: 张艺谋 (Yimou Zhang)
Writer: 李冯 (Feng Li)
Cast: 李连杰, 梁朝伟, 张曼玉, 章子怡, 陈道明, 甄子丹
Category: 动作 - Action
Production: 北京新画面影业有限公司
Length: 93 min
Rating: 7/10
战国末期,赵国有三个名震天下的侠客,他们是:“长空”、“残剑”、“飞雪” 。因为他们,秦王十年里没睡过一个安稳觉。可是他们却被一个默默无闻,名叫无名的秦国剑客所杀...
A series of Rashomon-like flashback accounts shape the story of how one man defeated three assassins who sought to murder the most powerful warlord in pre-unified China...


Year: 2005
Title: 太行山上 (Tai Hang Shan Shang) - On the Mountain of Tai Hang
Director: 韦廉 (Lian Wei), 沈东 (Dong Shen)
Writer: 陆柱国 (Zhuguo, Lu)
Cast: 卢奇, 李幼斌, 梁家辉
Category: 剧情, 战争 - Drama, War
Production: 八一电影制片厂
Length: 117 min
Rating: 6/10
第二次世界大战爆发,日寇发动了侵华战争,华北地区因其战略位置的重要成为日军的主要突破口。八路军总司令朱德奉党中央命令,率领刚刚改编完的八路军 115 、120和129三个主力师东渡黄河,奔赴抗日前线,开辟太行山革命根据地...


Year: 2006
Title: 天狗 (tian gou) - The Forest Ranger
Director: 戚健 (Jian Qi)
Writer: 戚健 (Xiao Mao)
Cast: 富大龙 (Dalong Fu), 朱媛媛 (Zhu Yuanyuan)
Category: 剧情 - Drama
Production: 上海电影制片厂 - Shanghai
Length: 106 min
Rating: 6/10
李天狗是个战斗英雄,在战场上打残了一条腿,复员后被分配到偏远的国有林场当护林员。被他枪杀的孔家三兄弟则是当地名声显赫的权势人物,被称为“三条龙” ...


Year: 2006
Title: 云水谣 (yun shiu yao) - The Knot
Director: 尹力 (Li Yin)
Writer: 刘恒 (Heng Liu)
Cast: 陈坤 (Kun Chen), 李冰冰 (Bingbing Li), 徐若瑄 (Vivian Hsu)
Category: 爱情, 剧情, 战争 - Romance, Drama, War
Production: 中国电影集团公司
Length: 117 min
Rating: 6/10
Xiushui is an English teacher in Taiwan. The boy he tutors has a sister, Wang Biyun. They fall in love. But he's a leftist and leaves Taiwan to fight for a new China. They make a pledge to see each other one day. On the mainland Chen Xiushui is active in the Korean War as a doctor and a soldier and later in rebuilding the country, working in Tibet...


Year: 2007
Title: 集结号 (ji jie hao) - Assembly
Director: 冯小刚 (Xiaogang Feng)
Writer: 刘恒 (Heng Liu)
Cast: 张涵予, 廖凡, 汤嬿
Category: 战争 - War
Production: 上海电影集团公司
Length: 124 min
Rating: 6/10
A weathered witness of war's insatiable appetite, Guzidi, Captain of the Ninth Company, will struggle his entire life to return honor to his forty six men and their self-sacrifice...


Year: 2007
Title: 色,戒 (se, jie) - Lust, Caution
Director: 李安 (Ang Lee)
Writer: 王蕙玲 (Hui-Ling Wang)
Cast: 梁朝伟 (Tony Leung Chiu Wai), 汤唯 (Wei Tang)
Category: 爱情, 剧情 - Drama, Romance
Production: 易先生电影制作
Length: 158 min
Rating: 6/10
The story is mostly set in Hong Kong in 1938 and in Shanghai in 1942, when the city was occupied by the Japanese and ruled by a puppet government of Wang Jingwei...


Year: 2007
Title: 投名状 (tou ming zhuan) - The Warlords
Director: 陈可辛 (Peter Chan)
Writer: Tin Nam Chun
Cast: 李连杰, 刘德华, 金城武, 徐静蕾
Category: 动作, 剧情 - Action, Drama
Production: 寰亚电影
Length: 158 min
Rating: 6/10
It's a heroic tale of three blood brothers and their struggle in the midst of war and political upheaval. It is based on "The Assassination of Ma," a Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) story about the killing of general Ma Xinyi. The story was filmed by Zhang Che in 1973 as The Blood Brothers.