
The clumsy pelican, spotted by Nicholas de Vaulx
笨拙的鹈鹕-Nicholas de Vaulx作品

This chuckling big cat was spotted by Robert Dutton
憨笑的大猫咪-Robert Dutton作品

This giraffe is gurning for Monika Carrie
做鬼脸的长颈鹿-Monika Carrie作品

This smirking fox, taken by Werner Schmaeing
偷笑的狐狸- Werner Schmaeing作品

As is this mirthful owl, by Edward Kopeschn
愉快的猫头鹰-Edward Kopeschn作品

This beach loving kangaroo was captured by Rosario L Cordaba
酷爱沙滩的袋鼠- Rosario L Cordaba作品

This remarkable image is the work of Murray McCulloch
让人印象深刻的画面-Murray McCulloch作品

This tittering critter was also captured by Isabelle Marozzo
傻笑的小怪物-Isabelle Marozzo作品

A narcissistic amphibian could earn James Sharp the top prize
可以让James Sharp赢得头等奖的自恋的青蛙
