Artist:The Rentals
Song:Song of Remembering

I have written enough as enough to sing for a song of remembering

Everything moves everyone’s laughing, moving through the city of passing

I’ve written enough, enough for a while, I have written enough, enough for a while

And everything moves, we are the past, everything moves, but outside these photographs,

everything dies, the cycles of time,

everyone is passing, passing, passing, passing through

Oo oo oo oo

I remember the streets, I remember these faces, going through the ever ages

In these ever machines, crowdin’ the streets, there must be some kind of factory where the angels are made, to just be replaced, I have written enough, enough for today

And everything moves, we are the past, everything moves, but outside these photographs, everything dies, the cycles of time, everyone is passing, passing, passing, passing through

(Guitar Solo)

Passing, passing through

And everything moves, we are the past, everything moves, but outside these photographs, everything dies, the cycles of time, everyone is passing, passing, passing, passing, passing, passing, passing, passing, passing through

Oo oo,

Passing, passing through

Oo, oo

Passing, passing through

Oo, oo

Through a song of remembering

Oo, oo

A song of remembering

Oo, oo

Oo, oo

    说起RENTALS的主脑MATT,他曾是WEEZER乐队的BASS手。1994年,WEEZER刚刚成功发表处男大碟,MATT却利用乐队巡演中的间隙,与鼓手PAT一同组建了RENTALS乐队,不但亲自出马主唱兼贝司,他还邀来了一位女歌手以及其他乐手共同录制专辑。1995年年底RENTALS在主流大厂REPRISE旗下发表了首张专辑Return Of The Rentals,整张唱片带着浓重的新浪潮气息,而动听的旋律又充分显示了Matt Sharp不凡的才气,当时许多评论都对这张唱片大加赞赏。到了1998年,MATT因为眼见RENTALS有更好的发展而退出了WEEZER。乐队的第二张专辑Severn More Minutes因为有Blur的Damon Albarn、Ash的Tim Wheeler、Elastica的Donna Matthaws、Lush的Miki Berneyi等英伦巨星参与,而成为一时佳话。但这张专辑却叫好不叫座,商业成绩并不是太好。近几年Matt Sharp开始单飞发展,发表了两张颇有独立民谣色彩个人专辑,反响还不错。

    The Rentals的这次回归给人感觉相当惊喜,因为他们带来一张非凡的创意混合作品“Songs About Time”,包括歌曲,摄影作品以及设计图稿,而这张EP《Story of a Thousand Seasons Past》便是这张作品的第一部分,感觉相当不错。(文字来源网络)


01 Song of Remembering
02 Story of a Thousand Seasons Past
03 All I Have
04 Seven Years