
  《仁爱天使》是NBC今年另一部医疗剧,以独特的视角讲述了仁爱医院医护人员的工作、生活、友情和爱情。Veronica Callahan护士(Taylor Schilling扮演)从伊拉克前线回到了仁爱医院,她丰富的药理知识一直是医院的宝贵财富--其他护士加起来,可能都比不上她一个人。在Sonia Jimenez护士(Jamie Lee Kirchner扮演)和Chloe Payne护士(Michelle Trachtenberg扮演)的帮助下,Callahan继续着她救死扶伤的神圣使命,帮助那些身体或心理有疾病的患者走出生命的低谷,重新拥抱生活。然而,走出医院后的Callahan却深深陷入爱情和生活的双重困惑,深感迷茫。
  其他角色包括:James Tupper扮演刚刚来到医院的Chris Sands医生,他使Veronica平静的生活产生了涟漪;Diego Klattenhoff扮演Veronica性格粗野的丈夫Mike;Guillermo Diaz扮演Angel Lopez护士。

Mercy is a drama that is scheduled to premiere on NBC on September 23, 2009 as part of the 2009 fall season. The show is an ensemble set in Mercy Hospital which focuses on three nurses. A skilled, outspoken nurse, Veronica Callahan is back at New Jersey's Mercy Hospital after a tour in Iraq, with more personal problems than when she left. "I don't need to talk to anybody about it," she tells her boss sarcastically. "You know why? Because, I'm on delicious Paxil." The Paxil's not working. But viewers, keep your fingers crossed that "Mercy" keeps on working as well as its pilot, where Taylor Schilling is terrific as its star.
