
《谍影重重2》(The Bourne Supremacy)是电影《谍影重重》的续集,影片于2004年7月15日在美国上映,经历第一集中的腥风血雨之后,伯恩(Matt Damon)和自己的女友化名隐身在一个偏僻遥远的海滨小镇。虽然伯恩不愿意回视过去,但“过去”却一直都在追随着他,伯恩发现秘密组织的杀手已经潜入小镇,为了保护女友玛丽·克鲁兹,他必须战斗。




Bourne : Quiet, Silence. Okay?

Girl:I don’t  have  any  money  or  drugs. Is  that  what  you  want?

Bourne:Sit  down. Sit  down.

Bourne: Take  your  chair.

Girl:I can  speak  English.

Bourne:I won’t  hurt  you. I  won’t. You  are  older. Older  than  I  think  you‘d  be. That  picture. What means  to  you?

Girl: No. It  is  just  a  picture. 

Bourne: Because, you  don’t  know  how  they  died.

Girl: I   know.

Bourne: No, you  don’t  know. I’d  like  you  know. I  want  you to  know  your  mother  didn’t  kill  your father. She  didn't  kill  herself.

Girl: What?

Bourne: Listen. I  killed  them. I  killed  them. That  was  my  job. It  was  my  first  time. You  father would  suppose  be  alone. And  then  you  mother  come  here  no  ware. I  had  to  change  my  plan. When  you  know  the  truth everything  changed. Didn’t  it?

Bourne: When  your  love  gets  taken  from  you. You  want  know  the  truth.

Bourne: Sorry.