


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Junction means the intersection or joint of different things. What does the junction refer to? What does the junction look like? What role does it play?
This week's topic: They stopped at the junction... (90-110 words)

1) electric circuit junction
2) traffic junction
3) meeting at the junction
4) important choices to be made at the junction
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


As Doug looked at his surroundings once again, he noticed a vehicle pulled out of the way from the alleyway behind Club 1997 across the street. It was not just any vehicle of traffic passing by nor a delivery truck. It was the vehicle belonging to the club manager. From his surveillance since the morning, Doug knew the club manager was inside the establishment. The vehicle leaving the alleyway was stopped at the junction intersecting the main road in order to wait for traffic on the main road to pass.
