
Employers also say an interviewee’s quality of banter or small talk (60 percent) influences their decision。


Meanwhile, more than half (55 percent) also make up their mind based on the strength of their handshake。


But it appears employers rank first impressions as the second most important factor when considering a candidate。


The most important attribute is a candidate’s work experience (36 percent),followed by first impressions (24 percent) and their education (12 percent)。


And it also seems the majority of job seekers (70 percent) are just as likely to be swayed by their first impressions.


'These are based on external factors including: style, tattoos, skin colour and their accent. These impressions can be right or wrong, but candidates should know employers are forming an opinion from the very first contact.


Plus, employers should understand that employees are forming their impressions too.


Of course first impressions need to be backed up by performance, but getting your foot in the door and succeeding during the interview - or even just getting one - is the main challenge these days.'
