With more than 200 gold medals to their name, China have become one of the dominant nations in the Olympics since their debut in 1984. In that time, Great Britain have never finished above them in the medal table. However, Team GB is above China with 19 gold medals as of Wednesday morning, two more than the Chinese on 17.


State news agency Xinhua vented its anger on Wednesday, saying: "No gold for CHN gymnasts, TeamChina have suffered the worst Olympic flop at Rio2016." The Sina website also criticised the gymnasts' performance: "Terrible! Chinese gymnastics team gets only two bronze, the worst result in history."

Not all the media was so critical. Global Times described the Olympics as the most "relaxed games ever". The article continued: "Many media reports have explained this change in terms of the country's international standing, claiming that China has gained confidence to the point where it can discard its previous focus on medals. The time in which we relied on sports to show our strength or prove our reputation is over, particularly after 2008."

Social media users, however, seemed more aggrieved by the slip in standards. According to one survey by state broadcaster CCTV, nearly half of the survey respondents say their chances at winning a gold have diminished because Olympic referees are making bad calls, or their athletes can't break through in other events. These opinions are fuelled by a sense that China is being picked on, or is at a disadvantage. Very few blame China's beloved athletes.

Some Chinese fans suggest there is too much emphasis on sports that western countries excel at, such as athletics, while the International Olympic Committee hasn't included sports that Asians are skilled in, such as Wushu martial arts.

With a few days to go, could Britain retain their hold on second? How could the final table look?


Great Britain and China will definitely add to their gold medal tally between now and the end of the Games. Simon Gleave, head of analysis at Gracenote, which produces a Virtual Medal Table for the Olympics, predicts a GB haul of 60 medals, with 22 golds. That is "unlikely" to be enough to beat China, reckoned Gleave, but he said the "gold medal race looks like it could be close".






别看西方国家经常用这个词来抨击社会主义国家,这种拿奖牌的“不二法门”它们可一点也没少用。1996年亚特兰大奥运会,英国仅收获一枚金牌,一向把兴趣看得比胜负重要的英国人也无法忍下去了。时任首相梅杰决定改革,不能让耻辱重演。于是,英国体育协会网站上就出现了“每项运动我们都需要你”的口号,并开始为体育运动投入大量资金——可不是所有的体育运动哦,是能拿奖牌的运动。哪项运动拿的奖牌多,哪项运到手的资金就多。比如自行车项目发展得好,就能从奥运基金中捞一大笔金,而弱项的英国篮球却拿不到什么钱。 你说论体育精神应该“人人有份”吧,英国体协明确说了“资助是特权,不是权利”。



