Alma Deutscher, 11, is playing during a performance on BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

She became a sensation after writing her first opera, The Sweeper of Dreams, in 2012 - three years after her first violin concerto, and six after writing her first piano sonata.
2012年,在她写下首部歌剧“The Sweeper of Dreams”(《梦想清洁工》)之后,她成为轰动一时的人物。而在3年前,她创作了自己的首部小提琴协奏曲,6年前,她写下了自己的首部钢琴奏鸣曲。

And not only is Alma an accomplished composer, she is also a skilled violinist and pianist.

Alma finds thinking of her compositions - or 'tunes', as she sweetly calls them - as the easiest part of the process.


But having to sit down and develop it into a proper piece and having to combine it with other melodies in a coherent way - polishing it - that's the really difficult bit for her.

Alma’s father Guy, an Israeli-born linguist and amateur flautist, said he realized his daughter had a connection with music when she was a baby.

While her abilities have led to comparisons with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - who by five had mastered the keyboard and violin and started composing - Alma insists she wants to be no one but herself.

'I actually think that if I was again a little Mozart then it would be a bit boring,' she said. 'I think I would prefer to be a little Alma.'
