苏珊大妈的奇迹会否再度上演?《美国达人》上演感人一幕。43岁其貌不扬的Kari 自小因 "兔唇" 而饱受歧视,但爱唱歌的她,终于得以向人们展示她的才华。舞台上的她高歌一曲著名音乐剧《西城故事》中的Somewhere ( There's a Place for as ),令台下观众评委无不动容。


Remember when Susan first trundled onto the BGT stage, hair swaying like a pube helmet and hips swinging like a gorilla in a dress trying to make a casual entrance into a meeting of Anorexics Anonymous?

We do. We dream of it. Dreams in which a beefy-wristed Scotswoman twists our limbs into uncomfortable, yet oddly enjoyable, positions.

Anyway, you know the story: unattractive lady comes on, sings a show tune okay, it gets disguised for broadcast with some dubbed audience noise, and YouTube melts as a trillion overweight American ladies try to embed the video in their emails.

Yet those bloody Yanks had to go one better, didn't they? Not-pretty lady? Check. Backstory involving rejection of singing based on physical appearance? Check. Hair that would shame a hermit? Check. Showtune sung badly? Check. Bilateral cleft palate? Che...Wait a minute, what?

Oh, yes. Not content with merely repeating the Boyle template, America has added medically genuine physical defects to the mix. Kari Callin, a radiology technician from Seattle, last night stepped up to the plate and delivered a performance likely to generate YouTube viewings in the hundreds of... well, just hundreds probably.