PRINCETON, N.J. (July 9, 2009) —  Educational Testing Service (ETS) announced today that students applying to graduate and professional business schools will have access to a first-of-its-kind evaluation tool that provides evidence of a broader range of their capabilities. The ETS® Personal Potential Index (ETS® PPI), a web-based evaluation system for graduate applicants, provides evaluator ratings on specific personal attributes that graduate and professional business school deans and faculty say are critical for academic success.
2009年7月9日,美国新泽西州普林斯顿市 — 美国教育考试服务中心 (ETS) 今天发布首款个人素质评估工具——ETS®个人潜力指数 (ETS® PPI)。今后,申请赴研究生院和商学院继续深造的学生将可以使用该工具,获取对其个人能力素质更为全面的评估报告。ETS个人潜力指数是一套基于网络开 发的邀请评估人员对申请人特定个人素质进行评估的系统,这些特定素质均被来自研究生院和商学院的院长与教师们公认为对于申请人是否能够成功完成研究生学业 深造至关重要。 

The launch of ETS PPI marks the first large-scale use of noncognitive measures for admissions in higher education. Noncognitive or personal attributes — sometimes referred to as “soft skills” — are considered essential for academic success.
本次ETS个人潜力指数的发布标志着非认知素质测试在高等教育招生中的首次大规模应用。非认知素质或个人素质有时也被称为“软技能”,是个人取得学术成功 的核心能力之一。

The six personal attributes captured by ETS PPI are Knowledge and Creativity; Communication Skills; Teamwork; Resilience; Planning and Organisation; and Ethics and Integrity.
ETS个人潜力指数评估的6项个人素质分别包括:“知识与创造力”、“沟通技巧”、“团队合作能力”、“应变能力”、“策划和组织能力”与“道德与诚信度 ”。

Based on more than a decade of research, ETS PPI was developed in response to requests from graduate deans and admissions professionals to address a need for noncognitive measures to evaluate applicants. The development and introduction of ETS PPI comes with the full support of the independent Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) Board.
ETS个人潜力指数是应众多研究生院院长和招生人员对于评估申请人员个人素质的需求,在基于十余年的研究基础上诞生的。独立的研究生入学考试委员会 (GRE® Board) 对于ETS个人潜力指数的开发与推广给与了鼎力支持。

Michael L. Jeffries, Associate Dean of Students at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Director of McNair Scholars & Minority Student Affairs, says ETS PPI will help identify candidates that might otherwise have been missed, while expanding opportunities for a diverse range of students. The McNair scholars programme is a United States’ national initiative aimed at increasing the number of first-generation, low-income and/or underrepresented students in Ph.D. programmes.
伊利诺伊大学厄本那——香槟分校学生事务副院长兼麦克奈尔学者项目(McNair Scholars)与少数族裔学生事务总监Michael L. Jeffries表示:“ETS个人潜力指数将帮助校方发掘有可能错过的申请人,同时为背景各不相同的学生提供了更多的机会。麦克奈尔学者项目是受美国政府资助的全国性项目,旨在帮助那些来自父母没有上过大学或低收入家庭等弱势群体的学生,提高他们成功入选博士生研究项目的机会。”
“The graduate community needs to continue to reduce barriers to graduate education and allow more underrepresented scholars to join the ranks of the professoriate,” explains Jeffries. “To the extent that the ETS PPI will broaden opportunities for students, it is something that I strongly support.” 

ETS PPI has been piloted for the past three years through the National Hispanic Research Center’s Project 1000, a programme based at the University of Arizona that seeks to increase the number of underrepresented students in US graduate schools. ETS PPI also was successfully used during this time by ETS for selecting candidates for its summer intern programme. 
ETS个人潜力指数在过去三年中一直在美国拉美研究中心 (National Hispanic Research Center) 通过“1000工程”进行试点测试。“1000工程”在亚利桑那大学开展,旨在加强和优化美国研究生院招生结构。此外,ETS还成功应用个人潜力指数完成了ETS本年度暑期实习生候选人的遴选工作。

According to David G. Payne, Ph.D., Vice President and COO in the ETS Higher Education & School Assessments Division, research indicates that achievement gaps that exist in standardised tests do not exist in noncognitive measures, which is why ETS PPI is seen as a tool that may help to level the playing field for students seeking graduate and professional degrees, such as an MBA.
ETS高等教育与学校测评部副总裁兼首席运营官David G. Payne博士表示:“研究显示,在标准化测试中存在的成绩差距问题不会在非认知测试中出现,这就是为什么人们相信ETS个人潜力指数能够帮助不同学生在同一条起跑线上公平竞争获取研究生教育和诸如MBA等专业深造的机会。”

“Solid GRE scores and undergraduate grades are very important, but they don’t provide the complete picture of a candidate’s potential,” says Payne. “We’ve known for some time, thanks to research and anecdotal evidence, that qualities like resilience and teamwork were indicators of success in graduate school. The problem was how to measure them effectively. But now, with the introduction of ETS PPI, we have a tool that allows for accurate and valid measures of these critical personal attributes.”

Students who have registered for the GRE General Test starting May 1, 2009 will have the option of using ETS PPI and sending up to four ETS PPI evaluation reports at no additional cost. ETS PPI is not exclusive to GRE registrants. It is available to past GRE test takers and others for a fee of USD 20 per report.
2009年5月1日及之后参加GRE普通考试的考生均可选择免费参加ETS 个人潜力指数测试,并申请寄送不超过4份《ETS 个人潜力指数报告》。而对于以往GRE考生和非GRE考生,每份《ETS个人潜力指数报告》需收取20美元。

How it Works

* Student creates an ETS PPI profile online
* 申请人首先需要登陆ETS网站,在线创建ETS个人潜力指数帐户,网址为:。

* Student provides contact information for up to 25 evaluators - typically instructors, department heads, academic advisors, research supervisors, committee member, or employers - he or she would like to complete an ETS PPI evaluation
* 由申请人自行提供不超过25位评估人员的联系方式。可邀请的评估人员通常包括申请人所在院系的领导、教职人员、学术或研究导师、相关委员会成员或者申请人的雇主等。这些评估人员将愿意协助完成一份ETS 个人潜力指数评估。

* ETS sends an e-mail to each evaluator inviting them to access the ETS PPI system to complete the student’s evaluation
* ETS向每位评估人员发送电子邮件邀请他们进入ETS个人潜力指数系统以完成对申请人的评估。

* Evaluators log in to the system and respond to a series of statements to rate the student on the six personal attributes and to provide an overall rating of the student
* 评估人员登录系统后,将根据一系列描述针对申请人的6项个人素质打分,并给出有关申请人素质的综合评价。

* Student is notified when each evaluation has been completed
* 每完成一份评估,申请人都将及时获得通知。

* Student then chooses the schools to which the evaluations will be sent
* 申请人选择希望寄送评估报告的学校。

* ETS creates an evaluation report, and sends it to the institutions designated by the student
* ETS生成《ETS 个人潜力指数报告》,并将其寄往申请人指定的学校。报告样本可在ETS个人潜力指数网站上下载。
