You know you've found that special someone when they look you in the eye and say "darling, I think we should have a Warcraft-themed wedding". Well, if you like Warcraft that is. Otherwise it might be time to reconsider your future together. Fortunately the brides and grooms in these pictures didn't face that kind of awkward scenario, because as you can see, these happy couples share one very important thing in common: they're all total geeks.


#1 Magical Harry Potter Themed Wedding
#1 《哈利波特》主题婚礼

#2 Lord Of The Rings Themed Wedding
#2 《指环王》主题婚礼

#3 Star Wars Themed Wedding
#3 《星球大战》主题婚礼

#4 Doctor Who Themed Wedding
#4 《神秘博士》主题婚礼

#6 Alice In Wonderland Themed Wedding
#6 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》主题婚礼

#8 Disguised Superheroes Themed Wedding
#8 《超级英雄》主题婚礼

#11 Game Of Thrones Themed Wedding
#11 《权力者游戏》主题婚礼
