You want to be well known and liked among the people the company regards as super stars, allies who have power and will speak up for you. (In fact, you can achieve job security if you are viewed as a super star.) Positive relationships with these employees help you accomplish your mission, your reason for working. But, they also allow management to associate you with the people who are making a difference for the company. In a time of layoffs, this is the group with whom you want to be associated.

Work across departments so many people know your work and credit your contributions.

Jason Matuska, a senior recruiter at 4 Corner Resources in Orlando, FL, says, “I hate to say it but politic with upper management. It's not what you know, it's often who you know.”
佛罗里达州奥兰多市的四角资源公司中层高级招聘主管Jason Matuska说:“虽然不愿意说,但是上级管理层中的潜规则不是你知道什么,而是你认识哪些人。”

You definitely want to build successful alliances at work with all levels of the organization. The more people who know and appreciate your work, the more likely you will be to keep your job.

If your current employer appears to be taking appropriate actions for these tough economic times, you will want to ensure that you keep your job.

In a recent poll, readers weighed in on their current strategy for staying employed. What's your current strategy for keeping your job?

If you believe your employer is unstable and insecure, now is the time to move on to a new employer.