Song:Two Weeks Holiday

I remember the last summer

you've been my hometown

for your holiday

two weeks holiday

The sun was burning all day

it can really turn your skin red

in two weeks holiday

haven't you see the
and haven't you see the
not far from us


you see
bamboo house
bamboo house
(in the foerest , near by the river)
bamboo house
bamboo house
bamboo house
bamboo house
(in the foerest , near by the river)

we're hand in hand in the dusk
like anyone who fall in love
in love in love in love
in love in love in love
haven't you see the
and haven't you see the
not far from us

you see
bamboo house
bamboo house
(in the foerest , near by the river)
bamboo house
bamboo house
bamboo house
(in the foerest , near by the river)
bamboo house

we're hand in hand in the dusk
like anyone who fall in love
in love in love in love
in love in love in love
I remember the last summer
you've been my hometown
for your holiday
two weeks holiday
The sun was burning all day
it can really turn your skin red
in two weeks holiday

    关于曹方,一个来自云南的女孩,曾经在成都上大学,后来一个人去北京发展,签约于小柯自资成立的唱片公司"钛友文化"。《黑色香水》里的所有歌曲都是她自己创作的,当然也有资深的音乐人作她的后盾, 负责专辑吉他部分的就是超载乐队的李延亮叔叔. 也许曹方的声音并不如王菲空灵, 也没有陈绮贞稚嫩,更不能用惊艳来形容, 然而却是独一无二的干净,毫不矫揉的清澈.
