Web run to dispute "Da Vinci Code"



The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops took aim at "The Da Vinci Code" on Friday, launching a Web site that disputes central points of the best-selling novel.

The site, , denies one point on which the novel turns, saying the New Testament "does not offer any support for speculation about Jesus' being married or having a child."

The bishops' group said the Web site "presents authentic Catholic teaching about Jesus and the origins of Christianity and corrects misinformation that appears in current popular media."

A copyright trial is currently under way in a London court based on accusations that Brown borrowed research from the work of two historians to write his book without acknowledgement.

Catholic Bishop: 天主教主教
dispute:n.  争论, 辩论
best-selling: adj.  最畅销的, 最红的
speculation: n.  思索
origin: n. 起源, 由来
trial: n. 审讯, 审判
under way:进行中