
小心,他们的音乐会催人落泪、他们的声音会痛彻心扉,他们无心伤人,却又难逃陷入无法自拔的悲痛漩涡里头,他们是Hurts乐团,载乘复数的伤感因子,搭配冰冷的电子音场,同时贴附曼彻斯特摇滚风采,BBC抢先将尚未发行任何单曲的Hurts选入「2010年最受注目的新声音(Sound of 2010)」名单第四名、Guardian钦点「年度最佳乐队」,英国传媒更称之为「忧郁流行乐 (Gloom Pop)」。
略带深沉的〈Devotion〉,除了包裹Hurts拿手的晦暗频率外,特别邀请性感女神Kylie Minogue助唱,收起娇甜的演绎方式,散发个性冷调声韵,不禁联想到Kylie於1995年和怪杰Nick Cave合作精采实验极品〈Where The Wild Roses Grow〉。


Inside the heart of every man there is a lust you understand
And I'm just the same
When all the love has gone away and passion stares me in the face
Could I walk away
Here's hoping you'll help me to be brave
Devotion save me now
I don't wanna stray from the hallow ground
I'll turn temptation down
I'm asking you to take me to safety this time
Forgive my thoughts when I'm asleep
Forgive these words I'm yet to speak
I feel so ashamed
Right now you seem so far away
So much confusion clouds my mind
And I don't know which path to take
Here's hoping you'll help me to resist
Devotion save me now
I don't wanna stray from the hallow ground
I'll turn temptation down
I'm asking you to take me to safety this time
Devotion, devotion
I'm a slave unto the mercy of your love
For so long, I've been so wrong
I could never live without you
Devotion, devotion
Take me to safety


