
一个来自加州洛杉矶的创作型歌手,在推出了几张单曲之后,Aimee终于发行了首张专辑——《A Little Happiness》,Pop rock曲风,清新的小调,直率的声音,小女生的声音清新,富有感染力。



I had a bad day, don't talk to me
I'm gonna ride this out
My little girl heart breaks apart
From your big mouth

And I'm sick, of my sickness
Don't touch me, you'll get this
I'm useless, lazy, perverted
And you hate me

But you can't save me
You can't change me
I'm waiting for my wake up call
And everything, everything's my fault

Went to the doctor, and I asked her
To make this stop
Got medication, a new addiction
Thanks a lot

I had a relapse, I'm bad at rehab
Ruins everything
So point your finger at the singer
She's in the pharmacy
