
GUMI(メグッポイド)又称作GUMI(グミ)。是SSW Internet公司推出的VOCALOID衍生软体系列第2弹,以YAMAHA的语音合成引擎VOCALOID2 为基础,开发的虚拟女性歌手软件。软件名称为Megpoid(メグッポイド),声音录制工由日本声优中岛爱担任。角色GUMI,由漫画家结城正美设计。与以“初音ミク”“巡音ルカ”等而闻名的CRYPTON社的产品不同,SSW Internet的产品着重于“重现真实歌手的歌声”。



About Me

music & lyrics: 蝶々P
movie & encode: 寒雨
mix: gong骏
vocal: 茶理理
I have a story to tell
Do you hear me tonight?
Some things about me
I’ll be waiting in bedroom
But anyway you can’t come
I get it never mind
Now it is starting to rain
I see your tears drop
And my heart becomes heavy

What’s this world coming to?
There’s nothing that can be done
I couldn’t care less
It’s wonderful for me that the world is moving now
Some lights circle around and around
I lost my head again
And just want to throw everything away
Not easy for me

You know I’m afraid I am not as tender as you think
I look in your eyes and say, “I love you” with a fake smile
I don’t know what to do
Please tell me what I should do
I just feel so sad, but I kiss you
Kiss you


