
先来讲mild anger微怒


He really annoyed me talking through the film.  看电影的时候,他不停地说话搞得我很烦!

心情不好说话都会变得snappy,这个词的意思是:When you are in a bad mood and speak sharply to people. (厉声说话的)   

She is in the very snappy mood today. 她今天心情很不好。

还有一个词cross ,大家都认识,过马路就是:cross the road  

其实这个词一词多义, 还有“生气的”的意思,I'm terribly cross with him. 我对他非常生气。

接下来讲一些very angry很生气的表达:

pissed off 很生气,I was really pissed off by her attitude!  我真的很生气,她这什么态度啊!

furious 暴怒,  很多人疯狂追捧《速度与激情》,它的英文名字是:Fast and Furious

还有一种极其生气的表达是spitting mad!spit是“吐痰”的意思,虽然这个短语和吐痰没关系,但是可以联想记忆:要是有人在你家昂贵的波斯地毯上吐痰,那你肯定是“极其生气”的!

get out of bed on the wrong side 这句俚语表示:wake up in a bad mood“一早起来心情就不好” ,无缘无故的发火,在别人看来你可能是“吃错药了”!

Don't expect any sympathy from Joe. He got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. 别指望乔会同情你,他今天吃错药了!

生气的时候你就会情不自禁get up your nose,It really gets up my nose when they start talking about football.一谈到足球我就生气!(中国球迷心里苦啊)

最后,get hot under the collar也可以用来表示“非常生气”!He got really hot under the collar when he couldn't buy a train ticket. 抢不到火车票他真的很气愤!(过年回家的人伤不起啊!)
