An animal with a striking to resemblance to both a dog and a bear has left the internet divided.

Reddit user TheRedFoxx, from Nashville, Tennessee, posted the image on Imgur with the caption: 'Somebody brought this bear into doggie day care.'
来自田纳西州纳什维尔的Reddit网站用户TheRedFoxx将这张图片发布到 Imgur图片分享链接上,并写到:“有人把这只熊带到了狗狗看护中心。”

The image has since been seen seen over one million times with many commenters weighing in on the debate asking 'Is it a dog or a bear?'

The animal has characteristics of both creatures, with dark brown eyes, sharp teeth and a fluffy appearance.
The picture was taken by the Reddit user's friend Ryan Horn who works at the Dog Spot in West Nashville, US, who sent it to friends joking it was a bear.
这张照片是这位Reddit用户的一位友人拍摄的,这位友人现工作于美国西纳什维尔的Dog Spot狗狗看护中心,他将这张照片发给朋友看还开玩笑说这是一只熊。
While Antiusername was sure it was a canine.
然而网友Antiusername 则坚信这是一只汪星人。

While Nysa weighed in that her puppy also resembled a bear and a Newfoundland dog. They wrote: 'She's a Newfoundland so she will actually be a bear when she grows up.'
而用户Nysa 则强调她的狗狗也像一只熊,但是一只纽芬兰犬。他们写道:“她是一只纽芬兰种犬,因此她长大之后实际上会变成一只熊。”

While others were just thrilled to see the fluffy creature existed.
But the debate was then cut short by the original poster who revealed the dog breed.
The daycare centre worker revealed to Buzzfeed he’s a Pomeranian mix called Bounce and is owned by Elizabeth Maguyon, from Georgia.
