通用汽车公司在6月1日早间提出了破产保护申请,然后被纽约证交所交易摘牌。作为重组计划的一部分,通用汽车公司已表示准备放弃非核心的悍马 (Hummer)、萨博(Saab)、土星(Saturn)以及庞蒂亚克(Pontiac)等四大汽车品牌。继通用将欧宝品牌售予加拿大麦格纳公司后,悍马品牌也找到买家。中国四川腾中重工昨日证实,已收购美国通用旗下悍马品牌。据媒体测算,此项交易价格将不超过5亿美元。

General Motors has reached a preliminary agreement for the sale of its Hummer brand of large sport utility vehicles and pickup trucks to a machinery company in western China with ambitions to become a carmaker.

The buyer is the Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Company, based in Chengdu, G.M. said Tuesday. The price was not disclosed, but industry analysts had estimated that the Hummer division would sell for less than $500 million.

The deal, expected to close in the third quarter, would make Tengzhong the first Chinese company to sell vehicles in North America, though Hummer’s operations would remain in the United States.

“The Hummer brand is synonymous with adventure, freedom and exhilaration, and we plan to continue that heritage by investing in the business, allowing Hummer to innovate and grow in exciting new ways under the leadership and continuity of its current management team,” Yang Yi, the chief executive of Tengzhong, said in a statement released by G.M. “We will be investing in the Hummer brand and its research and development capabilities, which will allow Hummer to better meet demand for new products such as more fuel-efficient vehicles in the U.S.”

Hummer is one of four brands that G.M., which filed for bankruptcy protection Monday, plans to drop. The company also plans to close or sell Saturn and Saab later this year and to eliminate Pontiac in 2010. G.M. revealed Tuesday that it had 16 bidders for Saturn and three for Saab.
