沪江英乐讯 据英国媒体报道,由于在《英国达人》决赛中屈居亚军,网络红人苏珊大妈在当地时间本周日回到伦敦的酒店后一度精神崩溃,被救护车送入了医院。而她的"钱"途也有可能因此受阻。

  台上很大度 回到酒店行动异常




  赚五百万英镑 不如回家当村姑



The Scottish star was taken on Sunday night to the private clinic after show staff contacted police to say she was acting strangely at her London hotel, according to The Sun.

Officers were called to assist and Boyle was reportedly taken by ambulance to the Priory in Southgate, north London, escorted by police.

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: "Police were called to doctors assessing a woman under the Mental Health Act. The woman was taken voluntarily by ambulance to a clinic. At the request of doctors, police accompanied the ambulance."

Earlier on Sunday it emerged Boyle was taking time off on the advice of a doctor after losing to dance act Diversity in the ITV talent show.

Television company talkbackThames released a statement offering her "ongoing support" amid newspaper reports that she had run amok backstage after her loss shouting "I hate this show".

Shock winners Diversity had earlier praised the 48-year-old, nicknamed the Hairy Angel, for her generous behaviour in defeat. Choreographer Ashley Banjo, 20, said: "She was so gracious about it, she said the best act won and, backstage, she said she had seen something special. She was so nice about it."

Boyle has helped to ensure that the competition kept grabbing the headlines, and the final became the most watched television programme in the UK for five years.