During tonight's brilliant season finale of The Flash viewers got to see past events in the Scarlet Speedster's life when he traveled within the Speed Force as well as revealing future events. One being, our first look at Doctor Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) as the supervillain Killer Frost.
Was that just an easter egg for the finale or will the show revisit that storyline down the road? "Yeah, now that people have seen the finale, there were some things we’re letting happen faster than people are expecting and there are other things we’re slow playing," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told Entertainment Weekly. "That’s the fun for us as writers, but hopefully for the audience too, that especially with characters like Caitlin and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), there is a certain level of expectation after we very specifically gave them the names we gave them and how that’s going to turn out. You’ve got Wells telling Cisco that he was affected, but when we saw in the speed force, we saw Caitlin really and truly affected. Whether that happens next year or the year after that, we’ll have to wait and see what the speed force tells us to do."
Snow eventually becomes Killer Frost, a villain with ice-based powers. She has connections to H.I.V.E., an organization that's been referenced in Arrow, and is most closely associated with the hero Firestorm, whose stepmother in the comics was Felicity Smoak, a regular character on Arrow.
《闪电侠》中的丹妮尔·帕娜贝克(Danielle Panabaker)饰演的冰霜杀手给人的第一感觉是冷酷无情。
Panabaker在美国一档谈话节目The Talk 中公开了一张冰霜杀手的照片,它拍摄于第一季大结局录影过程中,同时,这也是这是广大粉丝们第一次看到冰霜杀手这一冷酷的反面角色的庐山真面目。
在此之前《闪电侠》制作人加布里尔·斯坦顿(Gabrielle Stanton)曾透露,在第二季中将有另一个地球的出现,Cisco Ramon将变身超级英雄“震波”,并且冰霜杀手也将登场等。
Panabaker也透露她已经等不及变身为CW剧中的这一坏女孩。既然《闪电侠》已经在之前的剧集中引入了二号地球和分身的概念,相信我们对Caitlin Snow的反派角色在某个时间的突然登场不会太惊讶。