
嘉宾: Laura Fygi - 世界著名爵士歌唱家

主持人:安家良,Steven An,沪江网主编 《Steven视线》主持人


Laura Fygi 1955年8月27日出生在荷兰首府阿姆斯特丹,Laura Fygi是第一位打入美国告示排杂志爵士乐排行榜的荷兰歌手,媒体因为她低沉如丝质般细致的磁性音质称她为"丝绒歌喉";在她的国家甚至有以她为名的一种新品种郁金香『Laura Fygi』,荷兰人就是用这种最浪漫的方式,来响应他们对罗拉费琪的热爱与骄傲!听过罗拉费琪现场演唱的乐迷,大概都忘不了她罩着淡淡烟雾的嗓音与性感高贵的肢体语言,这是由于她过去曾历经Disco舞曲、流行歌曲与摇滚乐等各种音乐方式的临场训练,最后融入爵士演唱所获得与众不同的特色; 而当现场演唱时,罗拉费琪的表现更是绽放淋漓尽致的动人风华。 

Steven视线专访魅力爵士歌后:Laura Fygi 第一集采访视频


Steven: We're going to start in a very casual way. I have a question for all the Chinese fans. How many languages exactly do you speak?
Steven: 我们随意些。我知道所有的中国粉丝都想知道,你到底可以说多少种语言呢?

Laura Fygi: I speak four and I understand two more.
Laura Fygi: 我可以说四种语言,另外,我还能理解其它两种语言。

Steven: That's really amazing! So what are they?
Steven: 真棒。具体哪些语言呢?

Laura Fygi: I speak Dutch, German, English and French. And I lived in South America. So I understand very well Spanish and some Italian.
Laura Fygi: 我会说荷兰语、德语、英语和法语。我曾住在南美,所以我懂很多西班牙语,还懂些意大利语。

Steven: And some Portuguese?
Steven: 葡萄牙语呢?

Laura Fygi: Well, no. It's a totally different language. I sing in Portuguese, but I don't speak it. And I don't understand it.
Laura Fygi: 那个不懂。葡萄牙语完全是不一样的语言。我唱葡萄牙语的歌,但我不会说,也不懂葡萄牙语。

Steven: That's a big secret of yours.
Steven: 真是奇闻啊。

Laura Fygi: And I sing in Chinese and I don't understand it either.
Laura Fygi: 另外,我唱中文歌,但我也不懂中文。

Steven: That's an interesting experience.
Steven: 真有意思。

Steven: And which language do you think is more "jazz?"
Steven: 你觉得哪种语言更"爵士乐"些呢?

Laura Fygi: More "jazz?" I think it would be English. From the states, the heart of jazz would be Chicago and it's really in English.
Laura Fygi: 更"爵士乐"些?应该是英语吧。在美国,芝加哥是爵士乐的中心,这里爵士乐都是英语。

Steven: Only because of the roots of jazz?
Steven: 只是因为这是爵士乐的起源?

Laura Fygi: I think so.
Laura Fygi: 是的。
