《舞林争霸》第五季第一集的首映集中,有一对同性舞伴登场表演了一段桑巴舞,而后评委Nigel Lythgoe对他们的舞蹈做出了评论。不想同性恋者反诋毁联盟(GLAAD)却对评委大为光火,认为其在节目和Twitter网站上发表的言论带有严重的厌恶同性恋倾向。

在丹佛市的海选中,同性恋者Misha Belfer和异性恋者Mitchel Kibel完成表演后,Lythgoe说到:“好像有点像在看《冰刀二人组》。”这正是一部Will Ferrell演过火的喜剧,讲述了男子双人花样滑冰的故事。“我感觉你们可能不会受到大部分观众的欢迎,虽然我们之前也有男男组合的舞蹈,但还没有到勾肩搭背的地步。”他继续表示自己“还是希望看到男的有男的样子,女的有女的样子。”

继而在个人Twitter首页上关于“不喜欢‘断背’交谊舞”的言论,更是激怒了同性恋者反诋毁联盟。“如此明目张胆表示对同性恋的厌恶真是令人难以接受。福克斯娱乐公司和Nigel Lythgoe欠Misha、Mitchel以及所有同性恋、双性恋以及变性者一个道歉。”



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The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has called out(v.出动,唤起,大声叫唤) So You Think You Can Dance judge Nigel Lythgoe for making what they deem(v.认为,相信) homophobic(a. 讨厌、害怕同性恋的) remarks — both on the show and via Twitter — about a same-sex couple who served up a samba on Thursday's premiere.

After Misha Belfer (who is gay) and Mitchel Kibel (straight) performed at the Denver auditions, Lythgoe said, "It was a bit like watching ... Blades of Glory," a reference to the over-the-top(adj. 过多的) Will Ferrell comedy about male skating partners. "I think you probably alienate(v. 疏远,离间,挑拨,使不和) a lot of our audience," he continued. "I mean, we've always had the guys dance together on the show, but they've never really done it in each other's arms before." Lythgoe went on to describe himself as "one of those people that likes to see guys be guys and girls be girls on stage."

He further riled GLAAD on Friday by saying on Twitter, "I'm not a fan of 'Brokeback' Ballroom." "It's unacceptable for this kind of blatant(a. 喧嚣的,吵闹的,俗丽的) homophobia(n. 对同性恋的憎恶) to occur" GLAAD President Neil G. Giuliano responded in a statement. "Fox Entertainment and Nigel Lythgoe owe Misha, Mitchel and the whole LGBT community an apology."

One short storm of controversy(n. 论争,辩论) and numerous tweets later, GLAAD got their mea culpa. "I wholeheartedly apologize for my 'Brokeback Ballroom' tweet," Lythgoe said. "It was insensitive(a. 对…没有感觉的,感觉迟钝的), arrogant(a. 傲慢的,自大的) and stupid. I have upset a number of dear friends."

Similarly, Fox and the producers of So You Think You Can Dance issued this joint statement: "The judges critique(n. 批评,评论) auditioners and contestants on their overall performance, stage presence, technique and a wide range of characteristics.... We apologize if any viewers were offended by their remarks."
