Song:My Little Bee

Go along, my little bee

for you have taken good care of me

And I know someone

Who’s been waiting

Don’t turn in the bed, don’t turn in the bed

You went away again

You went away again


On the day, you were born
Wish I’d been there, keep you safe from harm
But there were trees, full of leaves
And I am so glad, to see you breathe
You went away again
You went away again
You went away again
You went away again

No more guessing
No more guessing

    Minipop, 这支来自美国加州的4人组合于2007年11月发行了她们首张正式专辑A New Hope,正如外界所期望的那样,专辑自推出后倍受好评,就连 Yahoo Music,Filter Magzine等一些著名音乐媒体也没吝啬对乐队,专辑的赞美之词,作为一支新晋团体,Minipop已迈出成功的第一步.

    梦幻元素融入各种音乐之中,女主唱Kanne轻盈,柔软的嗓音跟有如梦一般的音乐搭配得恰到好处,令人不自觉地遁入所营造的音乐世界。可事物有两面,略为单调的音乐套路和尚幼嫩的功架也许是他们的不足之处吧,但作为一支新团来说要求也不能太苛刻,不管怎样,A New Hope已是一张很不错的专辑。(原作者来源:M-instyle)
