Mom life of Snow White

Mom life of Snow White

Snow White has a tween who sits on the couch all day. This infuriates Snow White, who complains, “You have no idea how easy you have it. When I was your age I had to do menial labor!”


Mom life of Cinderella

Mom life of Cinderella

Cinderella is the ultimate Pinterest mom. She DIYs her kids’ gorgeous clothes, bakes amazing cakes, and uses eco-friendly home-cleaning techniques.


Mom life of Belle

Mom life of Belle

Belle is a dedicated homeschooler but finds it is a lot harder to teach her kids than it was to teach the Beast. He says, to her ire, “I was only a good student because I thought you were a hottie, Belle.”


Mom life of Ariel

Mom life of Ariel

Ariel is constantly battling her husband over how much freedom they should give their teenager. “Are you kidding, Eric?” she often says. “When I was her age I thought a fork was a comb and practically sold my soul to a witch to get a boyfriend! There is no way she’s going to the fair alone!”


Mom life of Jasmine

Mom life of Jasmine

Jasmine is a PTA mom and strikes fear in the eyes of the school administrators because she’s tough and doesn’t let her kids suffer any injustices.
茉莉公主是家庭教师协会(Parent-Teacher Association)中的一员。由于她态度强硬,不愿让自己的孩子受半点不公正的待遇,学校的管理员们见她都避让三分。

Mom life of Anna

Mom life of Anna

Anna feels like she is always in the sled, carting her kids around town to ice-harvesting class, magic lessons with the troll king, and play dates with Olaf’s many snow kids.


Mom life of Aurora

Mom life of Aurora

Aurora has a teenager who sleeps in way too late. This drives Aurora nuts, but when she calls her daughter on it, she says, “Whatever, Mom. Dad says that when you were my age you slept for days!”