
About the size of a plum, the mangosteen has a super sweet fruit underneath its waxy purple exterior.

In Indonesia, it is common to make tea and jams out of the mangosteen, since it is extremely sweet. The fruit is also touted as a cure to some health ailments, although the science is out on that.

Try this mangosteen cocktail to cool down on after a hot summer day.


Another Southeast Asian fruit, starfruit (also called carambola) is common in India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. The entire fruit is edible, including the greenish yellow skin.

It has a sweet, crisp, and juicy taste, and can be used fresh in salads or in this recipe for a starfruit, orange and mango smoothie for a summer treat.


The rambutan is common in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

'Rambutan' is Malay for hairy, a pretty appropriate name for this fruit that could be straight out of a Dr. Seuss book. Underneath the red and spiky flesh there is the sweet, white fruit. The spikes are actually pretty soft so you can bite into the fruit, or cut it open.

Try rambutan gelato on a hot summer day. Your taste buds will thank you.


Passionfruit has become an extremely popular flavor around the world, but grows best in tropical regions in Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina. The size of a baseball or smaller, the inside of the fruit is filled with juicy, gooey, seedy deliciousness.

Passionfruit is great in desserts and cocktails.


Probably one of the brightest and coolest-looking fruits in the world, the dragonfruit —or pitaya —tastes like a combination of a kiwi and a pear. Originally from South America, pitaya is extremely common in Thailand and Vietnam as well.

The fruit comes in three different varieties, white flesh, red (really bright magenta) flesh, and yellow flesh: all equally delicious. This dragonfruit shake is sure to become a summer staple.


Similar to the rambutan, the lychee has a rough exterior and sweet, squishy white inside. Lychee was originally cultivated in China, Malaysia and Vietnam.

In the center of the fruit is a hard seed, so make sure to watch out for it. Lychees are commonly eaten out of hand, but can also be used in teas or cocktails.


The origins of this very strange looking fruit creature go back to northeastern India and China.

Although it's mostly rind, you can use this fingered citron to infuse drinks, make marmalade, in a zesty dressing —or even to do laundry. Wash your finer clothes with a piece of the rind for a refreshing and citrusy smell.


Jackfruit is the largest tree fruit in the world. It can grow to over 100 pounds, and it's high in protein, potassium and vitamin B.

Although the jackfruit doesn't smell great, it has a gooey mango-like taste and is best eaten fresh. Look in Asian or Caribbean markets for imported jackfruit, as it is grown on a very limited scale in the U.S. And try your hand at making jackfruit ice cream to impress at your next summer barbecue.


The kiwano or horned melon looks like it may be some kind of poisonous underwater creature, but it is actually a soft and juicy fruit reminiscent of a cucumber.

Horned melons are native to Africa, while the name 'kiwano' was created by two New Zealanders who began growing the fruit. The hard shell is perfect for creating gorgeous dishes like this kiwano, banana and pineapple sorbet.


Sweetsop is a sweet and creamy fruit despite its knobby exterior. It is also known as the sugar apple or the custard apple, and is native to India and Australia.

The fruit has many large, black seeds, so make sure to remove those before you eat it. The custard-like texture of the sweetsop make it a perfect ingredient for sorbet.


Infamous for its horrible smell, even before the fruit is open, the durian is a spiky, football-sized fruit native to Southeast Asia.

It is regarded as the "king of the fruits" in some parts, but the durian's taste might be appalling to outsiders. Durian ice cream is an extremely popular dish in Indonesia, but you'll have to try it for yourself to decide if you're a lover or a hater.