
A young make-up artist continues to amaze the art world with her incredible miniature masterpieces - painted onto her eyelid.

Using just make-up tools such as liquid eyeliner and eyeshadow, plus tiny appliqué particles, Israeli make-up professional and blogger Tal Peleg imagines scenes from fairy tales, classic novels and emotions onto her face.

Disney flick Frozen

Disney designs: To celebrate the release of new Disney flick Frozen, Tal created two bespoke looks based on the movie's sisters Elsa and Anna.

Sugar Rush

Tal's piece titled Sugar Rush was made using the following products for eyeshadow: Sleek ultra matte V1 palette + Concrete Minerals Pro-Matte eyeshadows + Monaco and Mehron aqua-colors.
塔尔这幅小型作品取名为“糖果大战”,这幅“画”是用这些眼妆产品画出来的:Sleek限量哑光眼影盘+凝结矿物眼影+ Monaco和Mehron水溶液。

The Princess and The Pea

Fairytale: This design is in honour of The Princess and The Pea and even uses a green-coloured lens as the pea.

The Moomins

Remember them? The Moomins was Tal's self-confessed favorite TV show as a child.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery's novel

Intricate: This design is inspired by a quote from Antoine De Saint-Exupery's novel, The Little Prince: 'It is such a secret place, the land of tears...'

The Little Prince

Iconic French book The Little Prince is represented with bold colour and white spots.

The Breaking Bad TV final

Far from bad! This design is in honour of The Breaking Bad TV finale.

The Ugly Duckling

Mellow yellow: Tal shows a step-by-step photo series of how she recreated The Ugly Duckling on an eyelid.