5月12日,原本是个很平常的日子。然而,2008年的这一天,却成为了将被人们铭记的日子。在此纪念“5.12汶川大地震”之际,特别回顾这首歌Place Nearby,希望那些在天堂的人们快乐,也希望留在世间的人们能尽快从伤痛中恢复。带着这段永远无法磨灭的记忆坚强的继续创造美好的未来。

< Background>

一种音乐,它的折旧率很小,甚至小到呈现负增长。乍一听,它似乎缺乏骤然抓心的旋律,但却非常经得起“重复”键的考验,听得次数越多,越能渗透到听者的心灵深处…… 挪威精灵Lene Marlin(琳恩·玛莲)就是这类音乐的佼佼者。

认识琳恩,发现听歌原来这么简单。只要拥有一个播放器,只那么简单一点,它就能抚慰你的心灵。它会不着痕迹地把你尘封的往事一并勾起,让你的眼泪自由自在地滴落脸庞;同时,它也给你力量,让你在沉静中明白,再痛再伤也不过如此,当痛过伤过,一切也就如清风扫过。难过低落时,听一听琳恩,她会帮你找回勇气;情绪亢奋时,听一听琳恩,她会让你沉静;不管走到哪里,听一听琳恩, 她会载你到一个波澜不惊的中庸世界。


Lene Marlin -- A place nearby

I entered the room
Sat by your bed all through the night
I watched your daily fight
I hardly knew
The pain was almost more than I could bear
And still I hear
Your last words to me

Heaven is a place nearby
So I wont be so far away
And if you try and look for me
Maybe you will find me someday

Heaven is a place nearby
So there is no need to say goodbye
I wanna ask you not to cry
I will always be by your side

You just faded away
You spread your wings you had flown
Away to something unknown
Wish I could bring you back
You are always on my mind
About to tear myself apart
You have your special place in my heart

Always heaven is a place nearby
So I wont be so far away
And if you try and look for me
Maybe you will find me someday

Heaven is a place nearby
So there is no need to say goodbye
I wanna ask you not to cry
I'll always be by your side

And even when I go to sleep
I still can hear your voice
And those words
I never will forget

Heaven is a place nearby
So I wont be so far away
And if you try and look for me
Maybe you will find me someday

Heaven is a place nearby
So there is no need to say goodbye
I wanna ask you not to cry
I will always be by your side


1. I hardly knew:由歌词的时态,我们可推出,“歌者”的感情描述全发生在“爱人”逝世之后,所以,“我过去难以感受”可处理为“我现在终于明白”。

2. be by your side: 和你在一起。Be by the side of: 在…身边;和…在一起。

3. faded away:逐渐凋零,逐渐消失。在歌中,fade是die(死亡)的委婉语。

4. about to tear myself apart :指“(离开你)使我撕心裂肺”,反过来,可以表达为“(你在我脑中)与我难以割舍”。