"我想知道大熊猫宝宝怎么样了?他们有竹子吃吗?他们生活得好吗?" 不久前,北京的姜若兮小朋友刚刚送别了在北京动物园生活了9个月的8只熊猫宝宝,这是去年"5.12"汶川大地震后,从卧龙转运到全国各省市暂时托管饲养的63只大熊猫中的一部分。在地震灾害一年后,很多大熊猫已开始陆续返回四川的栖息地。那么,大熊猫家园的重建情况,熊猫宝宝的生活和健康状况如何,这是世界各地喜爱大熊猫的朋友们关心的话题。


A Visit to Quake-Survivor Giant Pandas in Chengdu Giant Panda Base

Black and white, pudgy and cute, China's national treasure, the giant panda, is popular around the world. But during last year's May 12 earthquake, two giant pandas died, and the Wolong Nature Reserve, the home for Giant Pandas suffered severe damage. How are the pandas faring a year after the disaster? Yunfeng tells the story of Chengdu's Giant Panda Breeding Centre where a few pandas from Wolong that survived the quake settled.

Thousands of people visit the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Base each day to see its lush vegetation, bamboo groves, and most of all, the giant pandas.

A Korean tourist, with the Chinese name Quan Rongren, says it is the first time for him to see giang pandas.

"I like giant pandas very much. They are very cute, clumsy and naughty."

Micah Smith from the United States came with his classmates from Sichuan University.

"With other students from Sichuan University, we went to places where the earthquake struck, and we handed out stuff to some of the school students. We came here to check out the pandas. (They seem) pretty nice. I wish they were more awake, because many of them are sleeping. The baby pandas seem very active. They are playing with each other."

Four pandas at the Chengdu Panda Base were transferred from the Wolong Nature Reserve after the earthquake. Wolong was only 11 kilometers from the epicenter and suffered severe damage. It was once home to 63 giant pandas. After the quake, the body of one giant panda was found, while another still remains missing. All giant pandas from Wolong have been transferred to reserves in other provinces.

Zhang Hemin(张和民), director of the Wolong Nature Reserve, tries to hold back tears when he recalls the scary experience a year ago.

"The earth was shaking, and the giant pandas were too scared to move. They just huddled together. Their psychological injury was immense."

Zhang is known as the "father of giant pandas" in China. Since 1983, he has dedicated his time and talent to researching the breeding and protection of giant pandas. He says he considers pandas to be family members.

Zhang has spent most of his time with the pandas, studying them and playing with them and has developed a deep affection for them. He says it was painful to see pandas pinned under rolling rocks, to see them trying to flee to safety and to meet their frightened eyes.

Zhang says it usually takes two weeks for giant pandas to get used to a new environment. But to attend to their psychological needs, he and his co-workers have been using 'Ai Xin Wei Yang' or 'Caring Breeding' techniques since the earthquake.